Races and playground games for the seasonal cars are the worst!

Well in simplified terms “hate the game not the player” or more like both. Because every time I attempt a playground seasonal even, the only way I end up winning is by the other team disconnecting leaving one or two people for a team to go against. Goes the other way around as well. As for the races against the unbeatable Drivaitars, they almost never work out. Since it is team point based, I would end up finishing first in the first race but end up loosing because everyone else. and if they don’t disconnect from the first race then the same thing will happen the second race. the only way to win is by having a good team (very rare chance), or by everyone else disconnecting. This frustrates me so much because I can try my hardest multiple times and never be rewarded for that. Also when I drive close to the AI drivers sometimes the game will make my car randomly and very unnaturally move without me doing any input. All these issues together make for a very frustrating and disappointing experience.


I don’t know if you and I are playing the same game here so I’m just going to check ?
Fora Horizon 4 yes ?!
Now I have my vein attempt at humour out the way please allow me to pass over my opinion.

I have to say that I whole heartily disagree with you.
Yes the online events are super frustrating at times and the worst for me is the playground games event, mostly because there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to winning apart from as far as I can see winning the first event.
Most people including myself will quit if you lose the first event.
This I feel is more a Playground games issue, the way that the event is set up now and with multiple event game types, king, flag and infection is a pain in the bum.
I get why they condensed it but have to say from personal point of view if I wanted to play king I would, the same goes for infection and capture the flag. I like all those game types but I don’t want to be forced to play them all at once.
I would prefer one or the other.
Some players come in with untuned cars and this is what i personally feel effects winning the online race events mostly.

I am using a separate paragraph here to emphasise this but…
Why do players go into online events without tuned cars !!
It take five minutes guys to check the event class PI and grab an according tune.
Please do so before you event events.

That out the way I personally enjoy the grind I spend all my time on Forza designing paints so for me the racing is a very welcome break.
That said whilst I share your frustration at times I do not find myself in the same boat as you.
If at first you don’t succeed try and try again.
That’s part the fun of it isn’t it ?
I don’t know maybe that’s just me and I do understand that you want the events done.
If that’s the case why not grab a few teams mates and go in as a majority that may help you steal the first win ?

Anyway just giving my opinion good luck with future races and if you need a hand some time hit me up :wink: always willing to help.

Actually, it can help a lot if a player has a lower PI in a Trial. Just like in offline races, the opponents PI are matched to the players’ PI. Look at the roster. As soon as you have one or two low PI players, there are also one or two low PI drivatars. These are then easier to defeat by the higher PI players, making the total race easier.
It is especially good if the less experienced players do this. They might end last anyway, and this way they contribute a bit to the win, if only passively.


Yes, but for some reason it doesn’t always work. I started paying attention during last winter season and even managed to get a screencap, but I don’t know how to post that here. Anyway, it sometimes happens that there are no low PI Drivatar car vs. low PI player vehicle.

I’m guessing if that may be because game takes in account other things than PI when estimating potential of player car or if the thing is just bugged.

Usually by chance, I just run through each seasonal event/game two or three times before I end up on the winning team. Yes, it’s frustrating, but it’s how I do it and likely how a lot of other people do it. Because it’s not related to skill per individual, if you end up with crappy teammates you’ll get a crappy point count. I figure why not just roll the dice, I only lose two out of three times, lol.