[Mod edit - Worm]
Think I should stop now before I end up banned again.
[Mod edit - Worm]
Think I should stop now before I end up banned again.
Let’s see what u think:
Car: skyline r34
Mods: stock engine, rwd swap
Full race power mods (748hp)
Full race handling mods
Full race transmision mods
Drag tyres, widest tyres F/R, biggest rims F/R (I have rota p45r 285/25/20 all around)
Aero is on your own, mine is: front - top secret, wingless, rear - jun, sideskirts - abflug.
Car specs:
3070 weight
Now let’s go for some tuning…
-Tyres at 15psi both (smoother handling)
F - 2.20 (long for better reverse speed)
1 - 5.95
2 - 3.90
3 - 2.96
4 - 2.43
5 - 2.13
6 - 1.91
-Camber +2.6/+0.0 (I know, possitive camber, blablabla… I hate to say this, but handling in FM5 is worse than in any other forza, and found this to be less electric than usin neg camber. Oh, and this is the first forza I use like this, but you’ll see why I don’t regret it)
-Toe +5.0/+4.0 (the effect of this with other tweaks is more countersteer and longer slides)
-Angle +7.0
-Rollbars 40.0/5.0 (another tweak, here, you can adjust a bit the under/oversteering when in a slide by adjusting the rear bar: lower=understeer, higher=oversteer).
-Springs 725/575, height to the floor
-Damping: 9.0/8.0 - 5.0/3.5
-Brakes: 55% Front (This is a bug in FM5, brake vias is wrong, like this you have more brake power in the rear than in the front) and 100% brake power (to have both the ability to brake carefully and block the wheels if you want/need)
-LSD: 81% accel/0% decel.
This tune at first could seem a bit tricky, but allows ridiculous angles, backentries and enough smoothness for a bit of fun doing tandem.
Let me know what you think, and this kind of tune is my base tune for all cars now, try it yourself!
Would be wise Minty, I’m cleaning this thread. I don’t like cleaning threads.
If you want to make a proper tutorial on how to give a new drifter a proper setup you don’t tell them to max out their car and use drag slicks, positive camber and loads of toe. You’re telling them to do the exact opposite of what someone should do regardless if they’re learning or a pro this setup is jusy stupid. You’re teaching them stuff that will cost them in the future because then they’ll have to relearn everything all over again properly from someone who actually knows what they’re doing, and it doesn’t matter if it’s points or tandem this will mess them up no matter what.
Btw the handling in FM5 is the most realistic it’s ever been just because you’re a garbage drifter with a sketchy setup doesn’t mean you blame it on the physics of the game
[Mod edit - post the right way or don’t post at all - Worm]
Mk14, while instruction on his tutorial is just fine your opinion on his ability in the wording used is not. Don’t do it again.
this is embarrassing, Taiman81 only Exposes a top 50 tune and call him garbage drifter…We are’nt the best players, we know it, but we play forza since forza 2, and some things change in all forza editions, and we have the responsability to inform all players our problems.
We know perfectly well that in real life, use drag slicks, positive camber and loads of toe is not correctly but, you check the tune??? in forza2, forza3 and forza4 we use a “normal” tune to drift, but we check and try other tunes to have more control, more countersteer and longer slides…
Yes its true ,the handling in FM5 is the most realistic it’s ever been, but only to run, not to drift, it’s very dificult to transfer of real life to the game all the aspects. Everyone has the right to be wrong, and as taimas said,this is a bug in FM5, brake vias is wrong.
The reason that Taiman put here opened the tune too, is because we never saw both nooby along in forza, and we like to see a good players near, it’s so dificult to find a good player, but no good player making points… a good player who respect all drifters, who wait in the goal that all end up, who scoot it without fear of being hit by tandem…we love Forza motorsport5 but we miss some things of the other forzas… I’m sorry if you don’t like the tune, but is not for noobys, this tune is for all the people who like’s drift and for turn10 to make a reflexion of a possible failure, everything is backwards from how it should go well, and the brakes it’s a terrible failure to run and to drift.
At last, if I download a tune, like Wormburner, or other, I make 20 or 25 laps to reject or accept this, not all players run similarly, and some times not all the tunes feels good to diferent players. Please, test it thoroughly, and after you can talk about it.
P.D: thanks to moderators for maintain respect and order.
Regardless of what they have said, i applied the tune to a 4 rotor fd rx7 ive been working on and it feels great. First tune thats worked for me so far (i am used to the fm4 feeling and have yet to figure out how to replicate it) . Its tough though with drag tires since i have damage turned on. You can only go so far.