does anyone know what the max level is , and will the game stop giving us wheelspins at some point. i couldn’t find any info regarding either. my vip is working today and i get double rewards in wheelspins but im already level 35 lol so i’m wondering if i screwed myself out of a good ammount of wheelspin goodness.
I saved all my wheelspins as soon as I realised VIP was having issues, ended up making myself about 900k from 30 spins lol. And I don’t think there will be a max level, similar to FM5.
Not bad! Are you VIP as well? That’s double everything on the wheel spins. Then if you get a car on the wheel spin, then you get the amount of money the car is worth too.
The wheelspin was was a great idea to put in the game.
Actually, I believe you get 1/2 the car’s value. Cash prizes are indeed doubled. TBH I’m not so crazy about the wheel. It’s “flipped me the bird” with puny $3k-$7k prizes WAAY too often, lol.
I have not reached level 50 yet and I have stopped receiving wheelspins from doing stunt multipliers. The wheel doesn’t fill up any more and when I click on wheelspins from the menu it tells me to race for XP.
I have hit the max perks and the wheelspin meter has stopped showing after linking drifts and other stunts. Does anyone know if I still get XP towards my driver level for drifts and jumping, Or do I just have racing from now on in single player mode?
If you have maxed out your perks then you will not fill the wheel anymore with skill points. Any and all skill points earned and banked once the perks are maxed will translate into a small amount of xp that goes towards your driver level. It is your driver level that awards the wheelspins, not skill points.
Thanks Hiernymus, for clearing that up. The meter I was used to seeing was the skills meter for perks not wheelspins. That is a relief because I read your other post about receiving wheelspins for every level up. So, all is good. I need to race more and jump less but I can’t stop jumping and drifting.
Thank you
Odd that they decided to reduce the level cap. Sure, 999 is extremely high, but I would have thought they’d want the carrot there to encourage gameplay as long as possible.
Reduce how exactly? The highest level in the first Horizon was 50 for each online wristband. Even adding all of the wristbands together you would still only end up at level 500.
What’s the level cap? I’m at 507 (360 version jsyk) right now. Hasn’t taken long to get it, got the game midnight release and played it here and there when possible. The pub free roam would be nice. Kept me playing f1 until this release. Have done about everything already. Just need a couple million more for 20 mill worth and master those races.
I am over level 200 and I can say that it takes more XP to level up now than it did at the lower levels. Before I got the gold wristband, it was something like 20k XP per level. Now it is 40k per level. I imagine this will continue to rise the more I level up.
I’m currently Level 902 “xbox one” and I can unfortunately say the level increases significantly towards the later levels… Each level so far is now 255,000xp!! It seems to go up 1000xp every 2 levels… I’ve earned just over 103,000,000xp in total to put it in perspective