My son and I have separate Xbox One consoles, gamertags, and separate but identical DLC, VIP, LCE etc.
If I were to download MY gt and sync MY save on his console, and he put his on mine the same way…would the “other” console store an “older” save that would be used to sync/recover progress, cars, credits, etc in the event that a cloud save/sync loss issue occurs?
Obviously we trust each other to do this. I’m sure a lot of gamers have friends/family they trust as well, in the event that this “failsafe” method would be viable. There are too many cars, too much time, and even real money being lost due to this issue. I’m not demanding a fix - I know you’re trying to figure it out - but…WILL THIS WORK AS A FAILSAFE BACKUP METHOD?
My understanding of the coud storage is that it is online storage, so any console you log onto or into will have access to your save game data, this means that any console you quit out of will be instantly saved to your storage.
What you are coming across as asking is if you can have 2 game saves.
I think the answer is no, unless one is an off line game save? and im not 100% sure that is possible.
I’m not talking about going back & forth between consoles regularly. I’m talking about playing the game ONCE on each console, as the other profile, in order to get a stored LOCAL save. This way, if the save on the ORIGINAL/HOME console was lost/corrupted with the cloud, there would still be another LOCAL save on console 2 that could, IN THEORY, be used to sync/restore that data to the cloud - which would then allow it to be synced/saved BACK to the original console from the cloud.
im suprised no one else has replied to this question yet.
as i said i think there is actually only one save game regardless of how many consoles you use. Other wise you get into the realms of what happened with forza 2 (or was it 3?) where multiple game saves were used to gain and sell cars for insane amounts of profit.
i dont see why it wouldn’t work espically if you used the child safety features to prevent any internet contact for that profile. change the authorizations once a month to update it. you can play from a friends xbox. it should ask you which profile you want to use the new or old every time the cloud and local saves dont match. use the new/cloud till the primary back up is lost or corrupted then use the old/local.