Preview NXE mangles FM6+TX

A word of caution if you’re in the XB1 Preview program and have or intend opting into the New XBox Experience: it is an utter pain in the behind if you use a wheel!

I had no problems with my TX previously in FM6, but I was careful to shut off my controller, calibrate the pedals, etc. Now, though you can’t use the wheel outside the game, so I have to keep a controller on to handle friends, parties, messages, etc., which then leads to issues like the screen dimming because the XB1 isn’t registering any controller input, or worse: starting a race looking right locked in reverse because controller shut off between races!

tl,dr: If you like Forza with a wheel, opt out of the NXE preview.

P.S. The update broke Twitch too, so I can’t stream anymore either :frowning:

I received the update today and none of the buttons work at all,are you saying once you start the game with the controller you can use it? I can’t even start FM6 with the wheel,do the a,b.x.y and d-pad work once you start the game?

I’m in the same boat. Hopefully this gets noticed quickly and patched. To confirm, you were able to get your wheel working once in a race? Because my wheel doesn’t work once in forza menus either (didn’t try going into a race)

The wheel can’t be used outside the game - the same issue has apparently cropped up with Rock Band peripherals, so it’s an OS problem, not a wheel problem. Basically the wheel does not get recognized as a controller by the OS - you will never see it under devices and accessories, but it does work inside FM6. I have a Kinect, so my way of doing this is to shut off the controller, plug in the wheel and do the pedal calibration, then say “Xbox Go To Forza Motorsport 6” - it will ask who you are, so when the account picker comes up I say “Xbox Select - choose this person”, and at that point you can press A to bring up the menu. Usually the first thing I do is go to Free Play to verify gas/brake/clutch/steering/shifter all work. If not, unplug the wheel, plug it back in, calibrate, select account again, and typically I’m good to go.

One caveat - when starting a single player race, while it’s loading I say “Xbox Go To Forza Motorsport 6” to reset the screen dim timer - you get about ten minutes before the screen will dim because although you’re using the wheel, it doesn’t count as a controller, and so the Xbox will think you’re inactive and apply the screensaver. If you’re in a longer race, say “Xbox Go To Forza Motorsport 6” again, the screen will un-dim, and you can resume the race. MP races are usually short enough you can get away with just saying “Xbox Go To Forza Motorsport 6” before the race during the loading screens and you’ll have enough time to finish the race - if you’re in higher classes and the race is longer, chances are you’ll either be finishing the race with a dimmed screen or will have to call out the command and resume the MP race, which has it’s own potential issues of course.

Turn off your controller before you enter the game if you have a Kinect. If you don’t, once in the game, press Y on the menu screen, go to Switch Profile, select yourself, then turn put the controller down and leave it, and try the wheel at that point.

It truly is a frustration to go through, so fingers crossed it gets fixed before I get home next week, or frankly I’m opting out of the preview dashboard and doing a factory reset back to the old OS. Still, Xbox are aware of the issue, both with wheels and Rock Bank peripherals, and with the ruckus being raised on the Xbox Preview forums, hopefully this will be patched sooner rather than later.


I was able to get mine to work but the FFB went wonky in the next to last race in a 6 race series,went to check settings and they were fine.changed DOR and FFb settings,then put them back and it was ok for rest of series. The TX has never went wonky before so I am not using it or playing FM6 until fixed. Also when trying to report a problem on the pre-view dashboard it freezes everytime I choose report,resulting in a hard restart!!!

Put a post in the Hardware threads on the Preview forum.

If all else fails, you can also simply opt out of the NXOE and return to the current build while staying in the preview program. I just did after I couldn’t take how buggy the NXOE is atm. I’ll just wait until they get everything up to par and running as it should. I never thought I’d be happy to be back on the current build so much.