Since I got the new dashboard experience update I have been unable to use my TX racing wheel for forza 6.
Ive done a bit of searchin here on the forums and also on the general web, but to no avail…
Please if theres anyone out there that knows a workaround or any info at all that might help it would be greatly appreciated.
just to clarify. I have the latest firmware update. and I am aware that the wheel doesnt work in the xbox home pages… but it wont work in forza either. I can deal with it not working on the new dash… but in the game?
I cant start the game except with the controller… then once the game is up it ONLY recognizes the controller. Not the wheel… if I unplug the controller the game doesnt recognize any controller. it says to push the xbox guide button for the controller I wish to use. But when i push that button on the wheel it takes me to the dash where I cannot do anything… including go back into the game window.
I have found a workaround that works. so if anyone else has this problem here is how to solve it. If you have a kinect camera, that is.
1.) make sure your wheel is connected
2.) turn off your controller
3.) Verbal command “Xbox go to Forza Motorsport 6”
4.) the game will launch
5.) when prompted press the “A” button on the wheel
6.) next turn on your controller to pick who you are signed in as when prompted
7.) the game will now load and you can play with the wheel
thank goodness… cause a day without forza is like a day without sunshine!