Possibility of Car Packs Coming Back

Yes & many others Don’t on here we all can still read it as long as it makes sense of course. I enjoy problem solving a Better Understanding of how people with autism communicate Understanding and developing communication

I have autism, and i can tell you, writing uppercase words in the middle of sentences is more of a force of habit from my first language, German, where all proper Nouns are capitalized

That up there is nonsense.


I am german too, but i know that only names are written upper case.

TY for looking out for people like me I greatly appreciate it see a great example of being open about it as long as people are kind I’m not going to have any problems with anyone i accept everyone for who they are

Yeah i won’t read a “how to communicate with autists”.

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Because you already know about it" @JohnDoe9302

I don’t know anything about it and honestly don’t care.

Back to the topic, i hope they first add another 100-150 free cars and then start adding car packs. They can’t do that now, while the game is still in that bad state.

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I’ve decided to look deeper, capitalisation of words is allowed when:

  • The words are the name of a person
  • The word is a title directly before the name of a person
  • The word is a proper noun (ex. trademarks)
  • The words make up a title (ex. Forza Motorsport)
  • The word is the first word in a sentence

Up above is the current styleguide for Oxford University, one of the most well-known universities in the UK

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Sorry I meant the March update, Im still living in February, I blame my ADHD for that, along with the fact I was wrong, now back on topic.


That’s a shame have a great day

Not at all my memory is terrible lol

It’s understandable for long-running online games to need long-running revenues (like from DLC) to fund ongoing updates & server time…

…but this game has not yet reached anywhere near an acceptable standard of functional quality to have the audacity to ask for another cent from consumers.

Fix first, upsell later.


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So you understand why they do it then

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Excuse me?

I read what you typed before you deleted it.

there’s no chance of seeing the return of specific DLC (as happened with FM4)? not car packs but full-fledged DLC in their own right ?

Assuming you’re talking about paid DLC for this game, is that something we actually want to see?

With the state that the game currently is in, I’d say the answer is a resounding “no”. I mean really, what would they include? Tracks? That would splinter the already embarrassingly small MP community. Plus I don’t think many people would have the appetite to pay extra for tracks when 1) we’re still well below the initial number of in-game tracks that FM7 had, and 2) T10 have been giving them to us for free (including one of the most user-requested tracks at that in the Nordschleife).

The only thing i could see them realistically doing as DLC are car packs. I mean, they’ve already got the car pass, so it’s not a stretch to imagine that people would be willing to pay for certain vehicles.

The thing that I’m worried about is that they’ll finally listen to all the talk about getting rid of FOMO and they’ll bring back the reward cars, but make them paid DLC. Either as a pack or individually. “Missed out on the hot new supercar from last month’s career series? No problem! Now it can be yours for $2.99!”

God I hope I’m wrong.


You mean like they already do on Steam?

I guess i didn’t word that properly. I’m aware that they’re selling car packs for the game. But as far as I can tell, it’s all content from the welcome pack or the car pass, either all together or broken down as individual cars. So, all things that would be included if one were to buy the Ultimate version of the game (or Ultimate edition upgrade).

What I’m worried about seeing is that T10 will get the notion that people really want the monthly reward cars, and instead of doing the right thing and getting rid of FOMO, they’ll make them available for purchase with real money.

I guess when it comes down to it, either way, you’re paying real money for exclusive cars. Either by buying the car pass/ welcome pack or any of their associated individual cars, or (should T10 decide to make it possible) by buying a monthly reward car.

I just hope they don’t decide to go that particular route, as it would feel like yet another slap in the face: 1) they’ve already provided us with a woefully underdeveloped (some would say “broken”) game, 2) by utilizing FOMO, they dictate what we need to play and when, in order to receive our “exclusive” reward cars before they’re (as far as we currently know) gone forever. If they decided to now add the option of paying real money as an alternate means of obtaining these reward cars, when they know full well that all we want is to be able to obtain them with in-game credits after a certain waiting period… that, for me, would be a step too far.