
Will they ever be in this game? Or is EA holding on to the license … and for how long? It’s a shame we can’t drive any 991’s in this game, let alone the 918 Spyder.

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EA has it and I don’t see them giving it up any year soon.

Which is why i skipped the last 3 NFS. I’m not buying into companies that behave that way, it only encourages them to do it more. Besides Forza has more than enough racing fun for me!


The mods are going to lock this soon, so you’re aware.

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Why is that? :wink:

Because this has already been discussed a thousand times.

Hopefully the EA license agreement will expire soon, and Porsche will see how many occasions of featuring in kick-*** car games they’ve lost due to it.

I’ve never understood their angle on this. Keeping the license to themselves cannot possibly be as lucrative as subleasing it out to others. The only real Porsche option you’ve got is playing an old Forza game or buying the Porsche DLC for FM4. I’ve never really been into the DLC pack as over half of the cars are 911s. They never modeled the 928… :frowning:


As others have pointed out, I’m sure this thread will be locked shortly … lol. Keep in mind that there are many more angles and entities involved in the Porsche/Ferrari video game licensing saga over the years than just EA vs. Microsoft. There is no single group or company that makes a ‘final’ licensing decision or maybe it would all make more sense.

We’ve got Ruf, and it’s all we can get at this point so at least they did something about it. I find it funny that Microsoft were never like this when it was them with Ferrari license and EA wanted to use it…

I want Porsche in this series more than most as someone who has owned 5. But i also wish people would realise EA isn’t entirely to blame. Yes they hold an exclusive license for the Porsche brand in video games. Which they choose not to share. But consider who gave them that licence, well it would of been the content owners Porsche themselves, so yes we can either keep posting here complaining which does nothing as T10 would like to provide a Porsche DLC. Or use your time more wisely and send an email off to Stuttgart and hope someone gets the message.

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Wish list locked Please post here next time.