Poll: Which Upgrade currency is better?

It was suggested to me that I should make this into its own Discussion Topic, so I did.

Which Upgrade currency do you think is better? By better I mean more player-friendly, easier to use, more convenient.

  • Credits
  • Car Points
0 voters

Voted credits.

The way carXP is implemented seems an unnecessary waste of what little game time I have these days.


Car points simply act as a roadblock to buying a car to jump into something in the moment, you have to do all the prep work to make sure you can play on an equal playing field, in multiplayer at least.

Keep the car levelling and keep the sale bonuses etc for levelling the cars up. These two ideas don’t need to be intrinsically linked. Levelling legitimately (not using max assists) does not respect the player’s time when the player likely wants the car to use there and then upon buying the car. Hell, just make car level give discounts for upgrade parts…

I don’t buy the car with the idea that I’m going to use it for x hours before I can do what I wanted to do with it from the get-go.


I think leveling a car could stay but use credits to buy the parts

I have 18mil credits with nothing to spend it on



They tried to fix something that wasn’t broke but ended up just breaking another thing.



This allows everyone the ability to make their own choices as to how they want to “progress”. Those who like slowly upgrading a car can still choose to do so.

Everyone else can have the freedom to buy and mod to reach their own goals as well.


Credits to buy parts is the next step to making this system work for all players. It gives credits more meaningful use and allows all upgrade parts to be used immediately after unlocking.

If Turn10 want to keep the “leveling gradually” they need to do that with PI caps not upgrades behind car points. After one race/drive we should be able to start tuning the car how we want, using credits will dramatically change the rate of tuning for the better.

Thanks for adding this poll for discussion


Im a tuner and online racer in A, S classes (Forza 7) I dont wannna grid to lvl 50 to tune the way I want…nobody ask for this so get rid of it.


I have 60 million credits and nothing to spend on, Im a tuner also …but dont wanna grind to lvl 50 …make it like forza 7 and Im sure alot of people would be happy …enough of this garbage…Shoot double post…didnt see that guy’s , sorry.


Just give me credits to earn, so that I can buy the cars and the upgrades when i want them, if I can afford them - so that I can continue to earn credits to buy more cars and upgrade when I want them

Its really not hard

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Too many prompts when converting credits to car points with the new update. Really does not have to complicated! It is truly hard to believe where the 6-7 years of development work went!


Just came back to the game(Xbox Series X) after initially quitting because of the overly grindy nature of the first releases. Why are the car points still a thing? Why cant we just get rid of them an work purely with credits. Go to buy updates for a car you dont have enough car points, convert some credits to car points, then buy the part and rinse and repeat every time I buy parts. It just add unnecessary steps to the process. Frustrated me enough to just stop playing. I play to enjoy not to frustrated by poor game design.



How it should be. It gives players the freedom to modify the car how they want.

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No, I do not want to upgrade my car with CP.

Car Points are awful. They’ve always been awful. They’ll always be awful.

If we’re gonna bother “leveling” cars at all, just make it work like FM4.


I’m so glad to see people interacting with this topic again. After a year and just two big changes I can still say that this system is tragic and just needs to be thrown away, but apparently it’s tied to the game’s code which is even worse. Then there are countless suggestions on how to possibly improve Car Points, but once again most of them were probably never considered.


I don’t find CP completely unusable. I tend to use a hybrid strategy that mixes the two. Especially if I don’t feel like using credits to purchase an upgrade. For me, atleast, it works out. That being said the old system from launch was a nightmare.

I appreciate I have the choice of currency when I need to upgrade a car. With money being somewhat difficult to earn, I enjoy test driving cars, leveling them up lap by lap and modifying them gradually for free.

Although I prefer cars in stock form so my upgrades very rarely exceed 1000 CP in cost. If I wanted to buy a car and immediately raise its PI by 100 or more points, I’d definitely prefer to pay with credits instead of grinding :slight_smile:

Seriously cannot stand this double/triple currency system in modern AAA games. Very convoluted and mobile-game like! The amount of disappointment this game has provided - from artificial FOMO and exaggerated progression with Car Points, egregious drip-feeding and recycling (FM3 cars as new content!!) to the horrible graphics, lighting and car sounds - is simply immeasurable!

Can’t get one thing right in this disaster, can you?


If the game was single player only I would have no issue with car points. But it just didn’t work for multiplayer if you were new to a series and wanted to at least try to be competative. For multiplayer credits work far better.

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