Please let us change 'Day' weather settings

There are multiple times of day and weather patterns, but we cannot pre-define them like we can during ‘Rain’ setting.

Clear day, Light Cloud, Cloudy, Overcast
Morning, Midday, Afternoon, Evening

Something like that.


+1 i agree

One of the features that should have been implemented instead of free to play mecanics.


+1 Absolutely!

Why do we have to deal with a random generator for time of day, when we can choose the weather?


Please add this feature to the game. Let us choose the weather like marts30 suggested (like it is implemented in Project Cars 2).

Agree. Or just offer us 6-7 different scenarios like GT Sport does for each track.
The result at the moment is that i find myself reloading my free races just so i can get the time of day i want. Sure that was not intended by the designers.


It would be amazing if this option was added to the game. With every update I always hope T10 would have added this.

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Unfortunately this option is still missing. The only way to get sunny conditions is to load a race track several times (what could need much time). Especially Le Mans is a problem because there is almost only bad weather, and I think most people would prefer sunny conditions.

Please add this option to the game.

Yeah, sadly this isn’t a feature quite yet. Just 4 configurable day settings would be enough for me honestly (Dawn, Day, Dusk, Overcast).

Good suggestion. Everyone seems to agree. I do too. Don’t expect implementation. As is the case with just about every other request made. I’ve given up on those sort of posts - they mostly fall on deaf ears. I’m here now to get and offer help. That’s about it.

Yep, this should have been done at launch.

It’s quite annoying for photographers too.

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Something like this would be nice:

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Forza 8 :slight_smile:

Agreed, we really need this feature added! Thanks!

Yeah, anyway. Just because T10 lives and works under dismal weather regularly doesn’t mean they have to spread their depression to us. I mean look at the opening animation where the driver is standing at the opening of the garage stall watching the pouring rain pelt the Porsche. Then, even though you choose day, hoping for some sunshine, you’ll most likely be dealt dreary skies. Somebody at T10 has a problem.

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