Change day time settings

Hey guys,

so, whats your take on this one?
I find myself constantly restarting or better said reloading races because i dont like the time of day i am put in by the roulette.
It would be easier to give us maybe the option to choose from 3-4 (i think thats roughly the number of times of day per track available) distinct time of day settings like GT Sport does.
Are you guys taking whatever time of day is thrown at you?
For example in rain races i like to finish the race in wet road conditions but with partly cloudy sky, so i can get sun and wet surface together as i think this looks superb in FM7.
But when i have a time of day mid day, then it doesn’t look half as nice, so i start my races in partly cloudy dry to see what time of day i get, and if i dont like it, i reload the whole thing.
That cant be in the intention of the devs, can it?

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I noticed that for whatever reason whenever I use FreePlay > Race Setup > Track Rules and set time of day to be “Day” I get instead dust or dawn when I want just a sunny afternoon day.
How do I change this to Sunny? I’ve played that track before on Sunny but now if I want to play, at that time, I’m being force to play during dusk/dawn scenarios. I just want a sunny day.
Is that so much to ask for?

Or is it simply being implied they don’t want me to have that option? If so, why?

I’m confused…

FM7 doesn’t have time of day settings like FH3. It’s either Day (or Night) or Rain (if the environment has that option). If you select Rain there are various options for the beginning, middle, and end of the race.

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thank you then. I didn’t know that.

To be more specific most tracks I been on in the day time they are always more dusk or cloudy than sunny or clear sky. How do I change that?

You can’t in any single player mode. I have heard there is a bit more control over it in a private online lobby, but I’ve never hosted one myself so I’m not sure.

There isn’t any more control over it in online either. You can reload the track and that will cause it to “re-roll” the time of day settings, but they are still random so if you are searching for a specific time of day you will just have to keep re-rolling it until you get it.

Pretty silly that we can’t control it ourselves though. Yet another seemingly unnecessary limitation.


Ignorance of how to change it isn’t a limitation of the game

Go ahead, explain to me how to specifically set my desired time of day in any mode in this game.


Yeah, this kinda killed my hype about the weather system. I just want to race in a sunny day with clear sky but it’s so hard to get that. I think it’s to hide the average bright lighting they have, it rarely looks sunny.

You can put any weather settings you want on the free play mode at race setup->advanced rules-> weather settings.
Meanwhile I’m quite better in the rain online but I rarely get rain.


You can only do that for ‘Rain’ setting. It’s stupid, why not offer it for the ‘day’ setting too?

Even early, mid, late for time of day selection
Sunny, light cloud, cloudy…

The game is always so overcast looking, makes everything look dull. The lighting just isn’t that good.

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Just checked because I didn’t believe you but it’s true.
It must be an omission as the rain settings can be very sophisticated. Daytime would just involve changing an orange filter for afternoon and longer shadows.
Maybe it will come soon.
To be fair though if it was too bright all the time it would look fake like GT Sport.


Although this game never tries to describes itself as a sim, realism plays a huge part, you’ll never get rain in Dubai for example!

Hopefully T10 will patch in some better Controls for time of day at some point. There also needs to be a “Random” option when setting up the weather.

Hopefully FM8 will finally get proper 24hr dynamic time of day and dynamic weather with full control over it when setting up a Free-Play or Private Lobby race.

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You can bet that they will not patch something major like this half a year in after release. Thats something for FM 8 but i really doubt it for some reason.

Also i hope for the sake of graphics and richness of the tracks that they will NOT do 24h dynamic time of day and full dynamic weather system like PCars 2 because even the super limited time of days and dynamic weather in FM7 brought a cut to graphics when you compare with FM 5. I find FM7 more often than not looking pretty bland compared to FM 5. Baked in lighting may not be as nice as dynamic, but at the same time i dont want cuts in graphics just so it can be implemented. Already rain on the windshield looks worse in 7 than in 6 just because in 7 rain is dynamic whereas in 6 it rained the whole time the same amount when you chose “rain”.
If it was me, i would even dial back on dynamic time of day and dynamic weather and rather make FM 8 more like GT Sport in that regard. Give us per track 6-7 different times of day with very nicely done baked in lighting instead of the dimm look we have now and the constant need to reload tracks.

It’s so stupid how we can’t choose what time or conditions to start in, the options are obviously available but just random. Do we really have to wait for Forza 8 to be able to choose?

This game is obsessed with overcast conditions and clouds. Barely any races are actually sunny, chances are way too low.

Let us set a start time and conditions, is it so hard to ask for an afternoon sunny race?


It would’ve been a great help to photographers. :frowning:

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That’s why it cam to my attention cause I love taking photos but it’s hard to get the right time of day

Generally the game is often pretty dark in rainy conditions. And very often the headlights are switched off, allthough taillights are on. Why is that?