I’ve been playing FM6 since 11/2015 Now I am receiving unknown error (Failure To Load) message. I have already:
Cleared the Cache
Reset the Alternate Mac Address.
Held The power button until Shut off and unplugged power cord for a couple of minute.
4 Reset My Console: Reset and keep my games & apps) option.
Now I don’t know what to do next, the game still won’t launch.
Resolution: After talking to to Microsoft Support, and reading other reports in this Forza Forum. Issue Conclusion: Once you have Sync failure in Forza Motorsport 6 with “Unknown Error (Failure To Load)”, All you have accomplished is GONE. Nothing can be done. Start Over.
No need to start and post the same information in multiple threads.
Try this, precisely:
Try doing a system reset (hard boot) as below:
1 – from the Dashboard, out of all games, hold the X button on the front of the console down until it shuts the system down.
2 – Disconnect the external power from the wall plug (or at least disconnect the wall-side connector on the power pack itself).
3 – WAIT until all power drains from the external power pack (no light, either white or dull orange showing on the pack), then remove the PSU-to-Console connection from the back of the Xbox One.
4 – After about three minutes, reconnect the plug to the console followed by the power supply to the electrical outlet.
5 – Restart the console in the usual manner, i.e., either with the controller or a short push on the X button on the front of the X1.
6 – WAIT until the console self-checks and fully boots to the Dashboard before attempting anything.
If you don’t disconnect the external power pack and let the power completely drain out, the system is still retaining “old” stuff and not resetting. If there are any updates (system or games) following the reset, let them complete 100% before attempting to play any game even if it says “Ready to start” in the downloading queue.
Sorry to say nothing fixed it until I deleted my cloud save, meaning that I am now once again a proud lvl 0 noob.
For me it’s not that big a deal to lose my progress as I don’t play career anyway, only MP, so all I’ve really lost is my driver level and the unicorn cars I’d won, which I’m hoping T10 will replace.
It would have been major suckage if I’d been sweating career for weeks though.
Yeah, you’ll lose them. I think you’ll still be able to download any that you shared like anyone else can, but I assume they’ll be locked. I can’t check though because I never shared mine, so they’re gone.
It’s a pretty drastic move and you should try everything you can first - make sure you’ve tried everything I listed in my thread further down the support forum, one of them might work for you. They didn’t fix mine though.
Wow Zedeeyen! That is A real Bummer!! I did A complete reset yesterday and as you already it didn’t work. I think I may have one last shot, and that is purchasing 3.0 256 GB USB Flash drive save all Game Data to that, then delete the cloud and reload saved data from USB Flash Drive hopefully refreshing cloud. Or see if Microsoft can delete my cloud and I try to retain the Data on my console. Did You Try that?? and if not, Do you think it might work?
That might work, and no I didn’t try it. What I did try was launching while unplugged from the internet to see if my local save would at least allow the game to launch, but it didn’t work either.
One more thing Zedeeyen. What is your NAT Type on your Console??? Microsoft Support is telling me I have to OPEN NAT Type, for it to Sync with the cloud. To change my NAT Type I will have to do Port Forwarding, and that will open me up to A higher risk of Cyber Attacks. It’s been MODERATE since I bought my XBOX One and FM6 on Release day of FM6 in 2015, and I had no problems until this. My Connection is Strong so I’m doubtful of their resolution to the problem. They already had me go and buy A new FM6 Disc $20.00 with trade of the first disc. So I’m not very confidant in The Microsoft Tech Support right Now. So it would help me decide if I know that you experienced the same problem if you have an OPEN NAT Type. Thanks for all your Help Zedeeyen.
Microsoft told me the only thing A external Hard Drive 256 GB USB would do is store is allow you to launch the game without the disk, basically it acts in the place of A disk, not A storage for Game Data, That is 100% allocated to the cloud, (We’re screwed) Start over and forget about the past.