Please Help! MX-5 16'

Hi Guys,

Please could someone test drive my 2016 MX-5 and let me know what the hell I have done to it! I made a tune and it felt pretty good, so I saved it and shared it. It got around 10 uses and 2 likes. Went for handling over power and it won me every race on the career I used it for.

I am nowhere near the best driver or tuner, but i am resonable. I play on hard with all assists off bar the barking line, with Expert drivertars, using A for the clutch.

After using it on a rival challenge at Catalunya GP, I noticed it was oversteering quite badly, and when I shift down to second and third, the back end darts out and no matter what I try, I can’t get it to stop unless I go really slow. It does not do it all the time, but mostly 4th, 5th and 6th corners, and the chicane at the end. I have re-saved it as it is now, because I’m getting really frustrated. Don’t know if it’s my tuning or my driving, but something isn’t right.

I would really appreciate some help.


GT: War Chief 2013
File: D400 MX-5

My 2 cents…your best bet is to post your tune, there will be plenty of feed back from the community to help you out… good luck.

Tires: 30/30
Gear: Final 3.30
Camber: F -1.4/R -1.0
Toe: F 0/R 0
Caster: 5.3
ARB: F 29.02/R 23.01
Springs: F 450.00/R 400.00
Ride Hight: 4.8/4.8
Rebound: F 8.0/R 8.0
Bump: F 6.0/R 4.0
Aero: N/A
Brake Bal: 50%
Brake Pre: 85%
Diff: Acc 60%/ Dec 60%


For starters this is where i would start…
Lower your front ARB to about 20…
Lower bump a bit…
Your diff Dec to about 8% and the Acc to about 40… i think this is a heavy front car, isn’t it?..i will look for this car, im going to build and tune and see what i come up with…


Yes I use sim steering.

I will try these tweaks as soon as I get chance. The car has 50-50 weight distribution, that is why I had most of my settings level. It is not a heavy car though, it’s a 2 seat roadster, 2,500lbs ish I think.

I was reading a tuning guide and it said decel lower than 15% can cause issues, is that not the case in FM6?

Thanks for the help.

Did you load something else and then go back to it? Maybe front end didn’t load?

Nope, built and tuned it from scratch and have re-tuned it on three separate ocassions, spent an hour on it I total. Not loaded anything onto the car.

I am learning to shift on manual with clutch, so I don’t know if it’s something to do with that, but I only press to shift for a split second. No other car I have tuned has done thisn even whilst learning to shift with clutch.

Hi War Chief,

Just took it for a spin on Cat. Nat. and was not having any snap oversteer. But noticed a bit of lift throttle oversteer.
I’m going to tinker with it and and get back to you.


I think I may be downshifting whilst at too high a speed, bit I tried on branshatch and was having same issue.

Thanks for the help.

Are you using SIM steering?

Hi Guys, I tested it without clutch and it doesn’t happen, think it is definitely my driving! Think I may just be down gearing too soon. None of my other cars are 6 gears, so I think I may just need to get used to the ratios.

I would still appreciate any feedback to help with the tune though.

I still haven’t had chance to make your suggested changes, but will let you know how they turn out.


50/50 cars doesn’t necessarily means most of your setting have to be equal, haven’t had the chance to build the car yet but will do soon…

Cheers bud, will be interesting to see what a good tuner can do with it. I’m not new to tuning but I’m not very good, used that calculator app to do most of my tunes on 5, but wanted to learn properly for myself for 6. But I just can’t seem to get the right balance when tuning.

I’ll preface this: not a tuner, but trying to re-learn it myself after doing well in FM3 as far as times go.

I tested on the smaller Yas Marina circuit and definitely discovered the lift off oversteer you were talking about. Followed the above advice and added a little of my own tweaks. Ended up running a 1:06:082 in test drive (but didn’t count on LBs). Would have been good for #13 overall, but after three laps I got a 1:06:535.

Assuming my build was the same as yours, here were my settings:

Tires: 29/29
Gears: 3.30 (unchanged)
Camber: -1.4/-1.0 (unchanged)
Toe: 0.0 (unchanged)
Caster: 4.3 (I feel like this helped quite a bit)
ARB: 18.92/11.61
Springs: 450/374
Ride Height: 4.5/4.5 (I wanted lower, but the suspension wouldn’t work as well)
Rebound: 8.0/7.6
Bump: 4.0/3.0
Brakes: 50% / 85% (unchanged)
Diff: Accel 40%/Decel 8%

Still has a little lift off oversteer and understeers a little more now, but it’s more predictable.

Hey Echo, thanks for the response. I will test out your settings as soon as and let you know how I get on. I had another tinker with it after re-reading worms tuning gude and lowered the ARB and Shocks and it felt a lot better. Then I checked out Walocks settings and it felt better still. To be honest I think it is mostly my driving and the car is a bit twitchy anyway. I still won every career race after the changes so I can’t complain, but the car was an absolute pain on Brands Hatch though! Just kept sliding out on the down hill corner, took me two attempts and about 50 rewinds to get first.

It’s just frustrating as my 70’ Vette Z28 D Class felt really good and got 85th on the leader board’s, which is good for me. Also my Civic, S2000 and even that new shelby GT380 all felt really good. Just can’t get the new Mazda right. It’s annoying when you are learning and no matter what you do, you can’t figure out what is wrong!

Those are some good times by the way, you got any driving tips?

Hi War Chief,

Took me a bit to get to this , as I was away for the weekend.
I did manage a couple of good times with some tweaks to the tune and build at YAS MARINA - North Alternate

I did get a 106.383 which is good for #1 in class and #5 in Americas.
I put aero on it to give me some PI to play with–doesn’t look as nice for sure but it ended up being just a bit faster.

The build

Aero-Front and Rear
Rims-American Racing Outlaw II
Rear Tire Width–235/40R17
Weight Reduction-Race


Final Drive–3.7

Have not taken it any were else yet-but will be taking it around to see how it fairs at some other tracks.


Hey Fade, thanks for taking the time. I will check it out tonight and let you know how it goes. I was really trying not to use aero, but I had a feeling it was going to end up happening, but to be fair it’s not a fast car, more acceleration, so it makes sense. Did it completely get rid of the lift off oversteer?

Another quick question, one of my tunes went 5 star, but it only has 18 downloads, 18 uses and 2 likes. To me, that amount seems a bit slim to get 5 star, is it worked off a percentage or something? The thing is, once I had enough tunes, I was going to create my own tunes post. But I don’t really want to post it as a five star tune if it’s not deserving. Should I just post them all without there star rating?

P.S. Hope you had a good weekend.

Hey Fade, built and tuned to your specs. Felt a lot better than mine. Think the aero really helped. Do you always use ARB and Diff that low, or is it just for this car? It’s just I was trying to sort out my NSX because it kept slipping at the rear on the inclined chicane, was thinking my ARB may have been the problem as I tried everything else. Anyway your spec really improved my time, thanks for the help.

Not always War Chief. It really depends on how the car feels . The low ARB settings do help me with a car that feels like it has to much slide , but if you soften it up to much it just gets sloppy sluggish feeling .

As for the diff. I run pretty low settings generally , again just how the car feels when I’m tuning . In this case running a pretty low decel setting helped with the lift throttle oversteer.

I’m playing with a c-class build for this car now as well, it has been doing pretty good for me in the c class online ghost lobby .
Still a little twitchy , so needs some more tweaking .

I posted an open source NSX tune for A class, think its back a few pages now .
You might want to apply my tune settings to your build .


Thanks Fade, I still noticed the lift off, more so on the incline turns, but I tested on Cat GP and it felt tonnes better. I’ll see if the lower ARB helps my NSX, I’ll check out your tune too. My tuning seems to be coming along, I still have quite a bit to learn though. Just got my wheel this afternoon, so hopefully that will improve my driving as well.

I will let you know how I get on with your NSX tune.
