Please fix the cockpit wheel rotation limit.

Let me re-phrase my topic, because everybody seems to have completely lost sight of the topic, and are ignoring the actual problem. The problem is, in cockpit view, the game does not show the actual rotation angle of my wheel. I have a Thrustmaster T150, and I use 900 degree’s of rotation. The cockpit view will not show the wheel rotating up to 900 degree’s. It only shows the wheel rotation 90 degree’s in each direction. It’s incredibly annoying. Also, it doesn’t allow me to change wheel rotation angle in the advanced wheel settings. It seems like Turn 10 have only allowed certain people with certain wheels to have this option. I don’t care if there’s another view that doesn’t show the wheel. There’s also a hood cam as well… That’s not the point. I don’t like the other view without the wheel because it changes the FOV , and doesn’t show me the rest of the interior like cockpit view does. I don’t like the other view. Stop telling me to use the other view. I want the developers to fix the cockpit wheel rotation , because it’s the only racing game I’ve ever seen that does this and it’s awful. People who watch my cockpit replay’s think I’m playing with a keyboard because even the slightest turns show the wheel max out in either direction in game. If you do not know precisely what I’m talking about, please do not comment on this thread, because you’re not helping.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet <~ no wheel rotation settings.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet <~ This is a GOOD view

Imgur: The magic of the Internet <~ I don’t like this view, please stop telling me to use it.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet < This is the problem…

Why create a new thread on the exact same topic
It’s not the first time it’s been brought up too…and not the first forza it’s been brought up as well
You arent the first and probably wont be the last either

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Because we obviously didn’t understand the “issue”.

I’m still a bit confused why anyone would want 900 degrees of rotation, bumper/dodgem cars only have 360 and they’re pretty uncontrollable.
My wheel has 900 but its far more realistic at 270ish.

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Far more realistic at 270ish? You must either only drive open wheel cars or have a very warped sense of reality. Taking the hairpin at yas in a muscle car at 40 degrees of steering input is a joke, even at 900 the steering input required is too low for most cars

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