I alternatively know you’ve been trying to get the dirt right so people can scandinavian drift around corners with out exploiting the physics of the game… i know a little bit about physics materials and ill present to you a certain ‘hack’ or alternative… think of a rock and how it rolls… its much similar to a ball bearing interacting with another… so you could either layer two physics materials ontop of each other such as friction and or create a new physics material called ball bearings… this material would have sort of a “posi” effect, very minimally when the tire patch contacts the dirt, the traction is then sent in the other direction, but with two vectoring factors… so you have the reverse designation set to 10% for example and foward designation set to 90%, and then an algorithm that sets forth yet another posi, and then you apply another layer of it on top of it… applying more layers on the exterior of the corner and then applying a muddy 20/80+ friction on the interior of the corner… if you can develop a “ball bearing” physics material, it should solve dirt traction at varying degrees… heck, you might already have this asset, and also with rubber left on the track… again think and do bearings…