Has anyone figured out how to set the controller up, so its smooth when turning the wheel. There are only 2 options in advanced setup for controllers that deal with steering. the problem is, when you start to turn(slowly/softly move the stick) it has a slight jerk in the car. I cannot smooth it out, and it really causes problems when you need to steer the car without upsetting it.
I searched online for Microsoft support Microsoft , but it did not see anything. I thought maybe they would have software like Logitech, I could set up what ever i need there. Anyone know of something else?
Can anyone comment on this?
Is there a way to trick the game so i can use the settings for a wheel with a controller. the gamepad settings are very limited as far as steering options.
360 pad user here and I’ve had no issue with mine. Is it just in Forza that your are having issues with it or all games? Have you tried changing the dead zones for the controler in game.
Yeah its just Forza, its not the dead zone im having trouble. Its a little twitch when i start to initiate to turn. Hard to describe, but instead of a fluid turn, it jerks just a little. then it turns smooth all around. this is really hard to explain for me, imagine your thumb on the stick, you move very very slow to move out of your dead zone. Instead of the wheel moving with your thumb, it has a initial small, very small jerk. then its ok, Im not sure that made sense.