patch abc's

i rarely get to play in the class besides c, or b, or a, its never s. can we get some change every race, or personal choice of which class you feel like playing?

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It changes me regularly. I’m racing it now, done 6 races and been in all 3 classes at some point.
Only annoying thing is when your the only one in that class. Grr.

Should be 4 classes. A,b,c and s

I ran 5 straight races today. Class never changed


Its been like this since multi class was introduced to the Forza franchise for me. I’ve noticed above 16 or so people in a lobby it will change after every race and its awesome. Trouble is something like lemans in the rain will come up and half the lobby leaves. The result is most of the lobbies are very low numbers and you get stuck mostly in my experience in C class.

Its a shame to because some of the best racing I’ve ever had playing Forza has been in Multiclass, its just a shame the lobbys are glitched with the repeating class and the same tracks that show up in the rotation(another classic Forza multiplayer problem). I wouldn’t keep your hopes up that it will get fixed, they’re probably hard at work on whatever the hell Forza 7 will be whether its on Xbox Scorpio or another Xbox one title.