Paintshop Lighting

The light in the paint shop is similar or possibly the same as the special effect lighting just outside the festival with neon lights, this makes the paint reflect and give off great effects but when you go outside in the sun the colors are flat and look terrible compared.
This is mainly an issue using transparent vinyls over candy base coat, in the paint shop they display as tinted candy apple but outside display as flat colors.
Just about any form of silver paint shows up as white / grey in world but looks silver metallic in the paint shop.

I know you can paint in the houses and not suffer this but half the time it is overcast weather and this limits the amount of time for good lighting as you paint outside (the $15m castle even has a rope bunting in front of the car which really doesn’t help)

Would it be too much to ask for the paint shop to have natural daylight type lighting at the same level as a sunny day so your designs look the same when you go outside in the sun.
As a real life spray painter I find it absurd to be expected to paint in the dark or under lighting with effects & one side of the car in a shadow !

FH3 had better lighting in the paint shop and the full sun gave the same effects, but in FH4 its very off and requires many trips outside to check your work and guess how much to change it, being UK based doesn’t help as its always overcast so we really need accurate light inside so we know its right even if we cant go outside to check.

One other thing from FH3 I hoped they would fix but didn’t is the ability to zoom in to the corners of the car from the top while doing the roof so we can accurately line up vinyls with the side, this sort of thing would have been a worthwhile upgrade along with special effect vinyls & the ability to apply vinyls to glass but instead we have hats and skirts so we cant complain about nothing being updated.

This may be why there is not many new designs?
I have imported some of my FH3 designs but most display poorly in the new game so are not shared and I have not shared any new ones as I cannot get them to a standard I am happy with.

Anyone else suffering with this?

PS: (DEVs) The GTS Holden Monaro used to be correct in FH3, but now has been changed to include the optional black outs on the front fenders to be grey and not be able to be covered or painted. Holden never had grey as an option, only black and it was optional, most had body colors in that area… If it isn’t broken don’t fix it is the general rule.

On a positive note, thanks for fixing the roof of the Holden Sandman Ute as it can now be covered in vinyl 100%.

I agree the paint shop needs lots of work.
The lighting is atrocious, if I had to paint a machine base in those conditions I would get fired.
Camera angles definately need work, can get full 360° views in all areas except paint, where you really need it the most.
Hopefully they will address these issues in the near future.