Paint Shop - Lighting Options review

Just took a look at the new lighting options in the paint shop. I just don’t know what to say about the development progress of this game. I don’t think the developers listened to the community input on what was needed in the paint shop. Here’s my take on the lighting options.

Ambient: totally blew it on the ambient option. It isn’t a lighting option. It’s a matte finish option. When you switch to this option all your colors turn matte. The only plus to this option is there are no obnoxious reflections

Open Sky: strange color shift from default. Reflections seem to be less with this option but the colors are very odd. I’m not sure how far off but they don’t look true to the in game colors.

Sunset: From a photographer perspective, that “Golden Hour” glow. Definitely not true to the color palette. But very pleasant to the eyes. Reflections are the least in this mode but the color shift is going to be the greatest. If they could give us this gradient of reflection in a nice 5000k color temp. Where we could be looking at a true daylight color palette the paint shop would be spot on!

Interior: looks like about the same color temperature palette as the ambient light setting but with the most obnoxious reflection of all the settings. Pretty sure that given the reflections issues, this is on setting I’ll never be using.

Conclusion: being a photographer, and knowing where the color shift is going to take the final image, I’m most likely going to be using the Sunset setting. Why? Simply because it has the least amount of obnoxious reflection. Open Sky will probably be the number two choice. It just has a strange reflection pattern that will take time to adjust to how to handle it with vinyls.

It’s a step forward. For a game, six years in the shop, it should have been there from day one. But it’s nice to finally have the option.


Open sky is the best one. None of us are racing indoors so it shows what my car will actually look like on the track.

It was annoying as hell to spend time getting my paint shade just right only to see it looks nothing like I wanted when I’m on the track.

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All that they have done with these different lighting options is to show you how the actual wrong color of your car is going to be in all the different times of day.

If only they could fix the paint shop so the color you have ACTUALLY chosen is replicated when racing.

Since Turn10 have added this lighting options feature I’m starting to doubt if they are able to fix the colors at all :thinking: