There are two glaring issues in Forza’s painting system:
The first and most significant is sharing.
Let me get this out of the way - greedy painters have ruined this game. The fact that so many who come here and purport to “love this game” focus so much on a fictional in-game currency and/or converting that into real cash on the side is appalling. This is not “love of the game”; love is inclusive, not divisive. The current model employed by Forza makes it nearly impossible for newcomers to quickly engross themselves in the game. New users cannot easily create the realism that is required to make this game something worth coming back to and not just another passing fad. They cannot easily create realistic-looking graphics, customize designs to include personal elements such as their name, or make other simple changes to make whatever car they are in THEIR car and not just something generic or someone else’s.
If you are serious about this game in anyway and partake in more than the arcade elements of it, then you know that you need to be able to share and freely distribute accurate logos and vinyl groups so that these issues can be addressed.
For example, placing a red logo on a red car is clearly going to cause an issue. Making this same logo white is almost always acceptable in the real world (i.e. with regards to trademarks), as the real world must also account for different color backgrounds and uses. This means that either the logo will be invisible (and provide no value to the creator), the logo will be left out (again, no value), or the creator will need to be contacted and asked to change the color. The creator MAY respond, and MAY change the color, but this is a long shot for most “painters”.
Additionally, for more advanced & accurate paints where the number of layers is very high, it is often desirable to remove details from vinyl groups that cannot be seen on the car in the game to save resources. Details and features that, when the vinyl group is prominently featured on the hood of the car, are simply not noticeable and/or needed when they are shrunk down and placed on a pillar, on the bumper, or in some other location where it is shrunk down. The demand on resources is the same regardless of the scale, however. This could mean that a desired/required vinyl is omitted or that some other aspect of the a design is removed; neither of which are good for the long-term success of this game. And without sharing, this sort of modification is simply not possible without SIGNIFICANT involvement from the creator, and again, that is a long shot - especially for a “noob” to the game.
Furthermore, sharing allows for collaboration. Explaining in detail why collaborations are a good thing should require no explanation, but since this is 2020 and people have lost their minds, I’ll do so. One painter may be great an recreating real-world decals, logos, and the like, but terrible at overall layout or design. Another may be a conceptual genius, able to create beautiful schemes and overall layouts, but unable to accurately recreate real-world decals. Together, these creators can create truly amazing designs and alone they simply cannot.
(I am reminded of a “blackout” race an old league I raced in ran. Every car for that week was requested to run a gray-scale livery. Because we were able to share vinyl groups & designs effectively, this was easily possible and the end result was great! Everyone was able to participate and feel like a part of the organization, and no one was overwhelmed by the task nor forced to run an “unsponsored” scheme.)
The second largest issue in the realm of painting are the inclusion (or rather the lack of inclusion of) fonts and/or a font editor. Why fonts cannot be created, downloaded, and used like they are in a standard word processor is beyond me. Most of the in-game fonts are almost comically useless and so much time is wasted trying to recreate even the most simple real-world fonts that in many cases designers/creators simply do not create an accurate representation of a design or logo in the game. This SIGNIFICANTLY detracts from numerous aspects of the game, frustrates users/players, and makes the game look less “complete” or “finished”. This is further compounded because of the above issue.
Together, these issues alienate the players who are the most important to the continued success of the Forza franchise; the sim racers. The sim racers invest the most in the game and are the most committed to it. They will consume everything related to it; DLC, media, hardware, new versions, etc. These racers NEED realism and engagement. They cannot have this is they cannot have personalization and ownership.
Finally, the hesitance to allow for the inclusion of an actual design creating and editing package within the game is ridiculous. iRacing, for instance, has a system that is far, far easier to use than Forza’s, far, far less restrictive, and yet there is still the desire and need for a painting community. There is even a side economy in which real money is exchanged! Those who claim that such a system in Forza would result in the destruction of this community are simply afraid of competition and not secure in their own abilities. These types have monopolized the system and do not want to see their monopolies destroyed. The issues above could ALL be addressed and rectified with the inclusion of such a design editor and the game would likely run much faster and smoother…