Paint/Rims - Paint Finishes Don't Apply Properly on Many Rims [List, Update 6.0]

Hi Godhydra,

Firstly thank you for taking the time to test the massive number of customizable car rims in Forza Motorsport and creating this extensive report on the list of wheels with appearance issues in the game. We do not underestimate the colossal effort this would’ve taken you and we greatly appreciate it!

We closed your threads as part of a wider clean-up of troubleshooting topics on the forums. We regularly do this so we can compile all the necessary information to share with the game development team in a digestible format so they can immediately understand the most pressing issues for our players and begin reproducing these bugs internally.

Unfortunately, the response previously shared wasn’t clear in why we closed the thread, so we wanted to revisit this topic to provide that additional context.

In the meantime, the team has reviewed your report and is currently investigating whether the issue is being caused by a singular bug affecting all paintable rims, or rather if these are all separate, individual issues. If and when a fix has been developed and thoroughly tested, which could take us some time considering the number of wheels this issue is impacting, we will provide another update to this thread, and from there let you know when the fix is available in the game through our blog posts and release notes.

Thank you again for your detailed notes and dedication to Forza Motorsport!

Best Regards,
Forza Support Team