How do you change the paint finish on a car?


I can’t figure out how to choose a normal color, vs a matte vs a metallic, yet when i download other people’s arts there seems to be great variety?

While painting, when you tab across the available color palettes, there’s a list of special colors/patterns like matte & two-tone, & some of those special ones have additional configurable settings where you select the RGB values of the color(s) you want.

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:point_up: That

There is one thing though: there is no real way to choose a straight “metallic” finish. Sure there’s the two-tones, metal flake, and some vinyl transparency trickery that can be done to create a good looking metallic finish, but there’s no option just for “metallic” like on Xbox 360 Forzas.


@Godhydra …side note: I can’t believe they closed your rim painting thread after all the work you clearly put into assembling & formatting all that info.


They could have at least made it a Discussion Topic. But no, no such thing exists…

I was pretty frustrated when it was closed tbh, but I keep a spreadsheet with all of the rims (and their associated issues) on hand separate from the forum. It’s not too difficult to transfer it over to the forum again, so sometime soon I’ll probably post another one.

The issue they had with the thread was that it “grouped several issues together”, so I’m still thinking about how to go about partitioning the information in a way that aligns with the forum rules… Creating an individual thread for the 200+ rims is obviously impractical, but if the following thread(s) I make get closed for the same reason then I don’t know how else to display the information that I need to get across.


This. They can easily create a primary ticket for the large issue (main thread post) on their end and link blocking tickets to it for every affected rim. It shouldn’t be your job to do that or even collate the data.

Thank you for that amazing list btw, it really has been helpful :slightly_smiling_face:


Ridiculously impractical - and If you did all that work for them again, they’d probably just move the goalposts again…

…There were numerous threads reporting different achievements failing to unlock, but they later decided to combine them all into one thread:

The individual achievement reports have been merged into one thread since the devs are tracking this issue under one bug currently.
Usually we ask players to open one thread per issue but in this specific case we have one tracking bug currently.

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