Every time I try to go into the Find New Designs area of the Storefront, I always encounter the same problem. It says “Retreving desings from Forza Motorsport Servers” Which is fine. But it sits on that for around a minute, until it changes, and appears as if there’s no designs for the selected car, and simply says “New designs are constantly being added. Press A to continue”, even when I know with 100% certainty that the car I’m using has had designs created for it. I’ve not been able to download new designs for my cars for a couple months now. I also create designs, and part of the reason I discovered this is because I wanted to check to see how my designs were doing in the Recommended area of the designs that first pop up. Yet, every time I do, the same thing happens. I also have a friend who this happens to as well.
Is this a glitch in the servers, or is it something to do with mine and my friend’s internets?
The designs work IF you search for a particular gamer tag that you know has liveries in that particular model car.
I’ve just had to DL a few cars, incl the recent Bently of VXR Stu’s, awesome Matt psi. Btw.
But I’ve just finished an Xbox system update, about 450meg in size, and completed a proper Hard Rest, waited a complete five minutes to ensure complete power brick charge leakage.
But the issue still persists.
There’s also several issues related to server stuff, like livery saves for some, or DLing certain liveries etc.
To the OP: - So until their servers are fixed, just make sure you know the gamer tag of the livery you’re wanting to DL, then do a search for that persons livery, then DL as per normal. It’ll all work fine.
But finding random liveries is out for the time being, sadly.
Hmm. This sounds very familiar, especially the part about “it appears as if there’s no designs for the selected car… even when I know with 100% certainty that the car I’m using has had designs created for it… I have a friend who this happens to as well.”
Is it possible that you’re experiencing the same disappearing-livery issue that I reported today in both FM5 and the FM6 demo?