Out of Commission

I lost my entire garage of cars.
140+ custom painted, tuned, plus 12 million in cash, countless months of tuning, testing, and driving time.
It will take me a bit to get the cars I need to run the tests I was planning to run.
So if I don’t respond as quick as I normally do, this is the reason.
All my Meowchanics have to go to the unemployment office now. :frowning:
Sad Meow.

Sorry to hear that Kitty. Hopefully you can get your system fixed and up & running soon. Also, once fixed, hopefully you can get all your data (cars, pts, etc…) synched to T10. Good luck!

Sorry to hear that, I had it happen 4 times in Forza 3 so know the feeling well :frowning:

Thanks guys.

If I could gift cars I would

Hey, there’s an idea…

Need any gift cars?

I had that happen for the second time just recently on Forza Horizon, I have spent a heap on this game with dlc’s , not to mention over a year in total playing the game. So I am not a happy bunny at the moment, feel like throwing the towel in on this game :frowning:

Brightside is horizon 2 is on the way and I can’t wait.

Sorry to hear that man. I love your tunes

Wow! Thanks guys. You are all awesome and have made me feel so much better about the situation.