This is a super appropriate question. Hopefully they will map out and tell us something with this next stream on Wednesday otherwise this will be the third month in a row with not only any dlc news but no dlc at all which will yield disappointment. Now I don’t mind the spotlight cars as we have had some nice IMSA additions which this merkur definitely adds more life to the late 80s imsa cars ( which is probably T10 flexing their old IMSA partnership announcement) , but seriously when are we getting this last elusive car pack???
I’m really hoping the last car pack will be the Indy cars we read about months ago. If I remember correctly, the article I read had quoted a representative from indycar saying the new universal aerokit will be in FM7. I thought they would release it after Sonoma or maybe to coincide with the “Born Racer” documentary, which comes out tomorrow. . All I know for sure is, I’m itching to try it out in Forza.
Hopefully an expansion of some kind… I really liked the Porsche & NASCAR expansions for FMS6
Would be sensible to since we have another 1+ years before another FMS, but I’m really wondering if there may be one coming based from the notes unless they’re talking about more modes (like the recent addition of drag)…
from News - Forza :: The October update for Forza Motorsport 7 arrives on Tuesday, October 2! With this month’s update we’ve focused on numerous behind-the-scenes improvements to the game, as well as setting the stage for some important updates to come in the near future (more details, etc etc etc, then near the closing) In addition to kicking off our October Drift Bounty Hunter event live on the show, we’ll be diving deep into Forza Motorsport 7’s October’s changes with the folks at Turn 10 and looking ahead at what’s to come for the rest of 2018.
Plus, don’t forget everyone who sets a time in the special Merkur Rivals event with the XR4Ti will get the special exclusive 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR
imo, doesn’t mean there’s not plans for 2019 either. Even though Horizon 4 is out, 7 is still our most current Motor Sport until at least this time next year & I’m sure they’ll wanna keep us FMS’ers busy til then (besides little modes and Spotlight cars)…
One of the things I enjoy about FM7 is how it’s been expanding my horizons a bit. While the IMSA partnership hasn’t granted us up-to-date grids yet, it’s also true that we’ve been getting several interesting pieces of machinery which used to be completely alien to me and many others who have never been invested in the history of American sportscar racing in the 70s and 80s.
The Diablo GTR is a very nice bonus. I don’t like how it’s a unicorn, but it’s easy to get like the Z4M and the MGA so it’s not as big an issue.
The FD cars are very fun in FH4 and I suspect they’ll be even better in a closed circuit environment.
It will be given as a participation prize in the upcoming Merkur rivals event.
Just a set a time and the devs will gift you the car when the event is over.
I don’t know if it was this update that fixed it, but I had around 100 messages pop up as soon as I loaded the game. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one.