Number of replays

Hello everyone,

I have the Xbox One version of the game and I can only save 10 replays, which is a small amount of them. Usually I want to save a replay for later photography sessions and things like that and I can’t because I don’t want to loose my best racing moments.

Is this number increased on Xbox One X or PC versions? If I remember correctly I saved lots of replays in FM4.

Thanks so much in advance.

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Completely agree. If the replays are saved on the local disc, there’s no reason why you can’t be limited only by available space and not some arbitrary number set by T10. If they are so worried about people overloading the servers, they can limit how many you can upload instead. I went to save the replay of a club race only to be told I had to delete another to make it work.



Replays are not only saved on the local disk but also in your cloud save. This means that every saved replay is in fact using Microsofts servers.

Besides that I also think the limit is way to low…

Anyone with Xbox One X / PC knows if there is limited to 10 as well?

The limit is probably set by the game, “Turn 10”, and not the console /PC

I like to save the racing results to see everyone’s line or car settings, since there is no Leaderboard to watch.

If someone is 5 seconds per lap faster than me, I would like to see the replay.

The replay limit is only a small problem with the Forza game now.


All XBox game save files have a size limit that is set by MS/XBox … not the individual developers. I am not sure if game replays are included in the game save file size calculations or not, but the size of everything on XBox consoles are tightly controlled by MS/XBox and the developers have to work within those limits. It would not surprise me if limits on replays and similar things are also tightly controlled by the XBox team.