Hi guys,
Has anyone else had no traffic since the update? i’ve been on and off for the past two and half hours and i’ve had any traffic show up.
Hi guys,
Has anyone else had no traffic since the update? i’ve been on and off for the past two and half hours and i’ve had any traffic show up.
I guess PG scaled down the amount of traffic because of the complaints from mostly drifters and people who want to max out cars at the highway (no offence).
Yes, I know if you go offline there is like 5% more traffic than usual. Either way, I think the map feels empty and soulless and therefore, as a loyal Forza player who enjoys cars, classic rallying and cruising most of all, it doesn’t encourage me to play (combined with another big factor of the downgraded engine sounds, but that’s another sad topic).
Furthermore, even though Horizon is an open world racing game, I think the devs will never scale up the amount of traffic because it wouldn’t benefit their new focus group of players regarding emotes, drift, hoonigan ect ect.
I wouldn’t mind the traffic so much if they didn’t drive like utter ***** …
They spring out of nowhere [BANG!] … ********
if you spend long enough in one spot (like a speed/drift zone) it gets very busy
I play just cause 4 few weeks ago and even there AI traffic is so mutch smarter and better to drive than it is in forza. And i really hate when trying to do PR stunts and traffic cars spawn out of nowhere.
But to OP post i have traffic on my game still.
Well I guess we’ve come full circle now. Originally, not enough traffic, fix applied. Too much traffic, fix applied. Back to not enough traffic…
Edit to add, traffic seems normal to me
Something I have found (I think) … they only allow a certain number of drivertard cars in 1 area …
we know if you are doing a drift/speed zone they ghost when you are in it.
If you can be bothered (i did it once for giggles) create a traffic jam in the middle of the zone …
What works really well is to push a car that is parked up (not driving around) …block the road … eventually you will get a queue of cars …that all ghost when you fly through the zone … so none spoiling your run up
there are probably flaws to this …like I say I only messed with it once