I’ve searched and haven’t found anything that resembles my exact problem. I don’t have any voice sound at all, for anything. I can’t talk to Anna, I can’t hear the main guy talk whenever I go on road trips and missions, nothing. I have to use subtitles just so I can read it. Is anyone else having this issue? Oh I also am the disc version if that matters. Thanks!
I had the same issue. I changed the XB1 sound setting to output Stereo. When I had it on 5.1 no voice sound came out.
THANKS (Wagnerized) WORKED!!!
I am having the same issues, I am going to try changing it to Stereo as well and see if that works.
I’ll give that a go, as having the same trouble
While the game works fine, I’ve found that when recording game clips it often doesn’t record any audio.
I amended the sound from 7.1 to Stereo (via settings on the dashboard) and it works fine now
I have the same problem, with my 5.1 speekers.
And it works with the stereo option. But i wanne play with 5.1 sounds? What can i do?
I am having similar trouble but its my car (nissan skyline r32) that has no sound at all!!
You guys accept stereo it totaly not acceptable its a mega bug i dont play this game if its not in 5.1 minimum:(
It’s not a bug, i play this game in 7.1 fine. But if people aren’t set up properly with their equipment, they will have problems with missing channels. As it is I get my 7.1 sound fine, all voices/radios/engines/ambient sounds etc. If you’re having issues switching to stereo makes sure you will get all sounds, but the issue is likely something not set up properly on the user side. Like TV set to stereo, or only 2.1 speakers etc. Make sure your Xbox is set up properly for the speaker set you have.
i dont think its anything to do with it not being setup right because i have a home theatre connected and have not touched any connections or settings and last week it worked fine now it doesn’t
it now only works properly on stereo which is strange. cam microsoft or turn 10 or playground games please have a look at this
It’s not just an fora problem it is across the board dead risings voices don’t work forsas don’t either if you switch TVs it may cause this to happen I think so best option is to try each setting to find the one that works with your TV
hope this helps !!!