Some of the car packs that were purchasable for Forza 4 can not be used offline, However we were not warned of this before myself and countless others purchased the car packs and in order to use some of the car packs you must be online. if when you did buy them and had internet at that time and was able to play with the car packs that require online connectivity but no longer can because you have moved to somewhere there is no internet access you will not get a refund from Microsoft who is the parent company of turn 10 studios.
There is a procedure that must be followed if you are going to play off line. Failure to do so will affect your DLC. I don’t remember what it is, Snowowl will know.
Ive had the same problem with not being able to access DLC cars if you have no internet. I know around xmas when both sony and xbox live was hacked that you couldn’t play online and I couldnt use the cars. Also I unplug my router to download games onto the xbone ( downloads quicker) and play the 360 with no internet while im waiting and can’t use any DLC car.
So all that being said if there is a procedure to follow as suggested PLEASE POST as I would like to have continued access to this cars once they pull the plug on the 360 ( reportedly next year )
I currently access the net on my xboxs using my mobile media, when I want to use the DLC and play off line I turn on the media and start the game for the DLC then turn off the media as long as I don’t back out past the dash board I am ok
Downloadable content (DLC) is licensed to both your gamertag profile and the Xbox console it was originally purchased on. In order to play DLC offline or on other profiles on the same system, you will need to use the same console where the DLC was originally purchased. DLC content may appear as unavailable when attempting to access it on a different system if you are not logged in to Xbox LIVE with the gamertag that purchased it.
If you have changed consoles or had your Xbox replaced, you can perform a license transfer to move your licenses to the new system. Without attaching your licenses to your current console, you will only be able to access the downloadable content when logged in to the profile it was purchased with and when connected to Xbox LIVE.
See this information from Xbox Support: Xbox Support If you continue to have the issue, contact the Xbox Support folks using the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page listed in this paragraph.