New to the game, need some advise

This is so much different to FH3, and help would be appreciated.

Is there actually any championships to do offline in solo like FH3 - all I have is exhibition races ? I don’t like co-op, they are always either too serious / nasty or ramming idiots - or a blend of serious racers yelling at idiots and quitting out.

Is there any actual free roam where I can mingle with people ? The idea of finding similar minded people before starting a private session works but I cannot find anyone - convoys dump me with people who are not doing my thing blindly and its pointless.

Is there a car park or meeting place people go to to drift like in FH3 ?..that was a major part of my game but it seems to be non existent.

I have made it to level 200 and hoped something may be unlocked but its still the same as day 1, even online I feel alone, if i join a convoy they are doing something else so I have to try over and over and after 3 weeks have not managed to find a group of people to drift with as I keep getting in convoys with kids driving pointy cars really badly.

I played FH3 for the whole 2 years and i am still not bored with it - FH4 is boring after only 3 weeks until I can find something fun to do.
I have done all my drift zones and exhibition races and it feels like its over - there must be something else apart from co-op racing, this isn’t motorsport.

Any advise would be great.

One more thing - is there a way to copy the game to my x box so i can play either game without having to swap CDs? These are my only 2 games.


no, there is no championship other than those seasonal ones. And there is not same kinda online freeroam than fh3, well horizon life is sort of same kinda but it’s not offer same experience than fh3 freeroam. There are few really small car park but not nothing where people would go to just heng out and meeting other peoples. And hitting level 200 is almost same than hitting level 150, nothing dont change.

My best advice is going to back to fh3, maybe check fh4 once a week and come back fh4 when this game gets better (if that is gonna ever happen.)

I was afraid of that.

I am stuck in Win7 due to nothing newer being as good, seems like i will stay in FH3 for the same reasons


One more thing I cannot work out

I have started maybe 100 PVP drag races and only had 3 that evolved into a race, and I have never seen an on screen offer for me to join anything?

Is this hidden somewhere else or need to be turned on to find out if there is a race going to start? i get nothing on screen and going by the response I don’t think many others see mine either ??

Seems odd when they claim there is over 50 people in my session - in FH3 even with only 5 people someone always joined.

That sound pretty weird, in my experience drag races are most common that get somebody else joining. Do you have online event notifications turned on?

I didn’t know it existed for sure, I thought it may need unlocking or turning on but cant find anything relevant - that’s why I asked here :slight_smile:

Where is it?

I have never received a notification so it must be off…

I am so fluent in FH3 but this is like writing with my left hand, I wish they left it alone and just fixed the bugs and gave us a new map. :frowning:

Thanks for your help