I see its going to be on of those days. Every chapter has been like this
I mean… the odds of matching down to the thousandth of a second seems like it ought to be low. Clearly there’s some bias that’s making that time more likely than another time.
Seems like… but, put a thousand monkeys behind the wheel of a thousand cars… and they’ll all crash on the first turn No, where was I going with that ?
Could just be a coincidence. Good for a laugh though. Then the Ferrari run was a one and done with over 2 seconds to spare. I’m just better faster ? lol !
Thats how it should be, 3 stars should never be done in first try people are just used to the easy way in this game. I really dont see the point in having a 3 star system if the 3 star point is as easy as the 1 star.
It’s the inconsistency.
Many of these were difficult to 3 Star, as it should be. Some were not. And in the past it’s been the same. I’m no superstar at the game, figure it’s where they should be aiming, so if I struggle a little but make it there eventually they’re on the mark. If it’s too easy or too hard they might be off.
There is also the whole assists and choices of driving mechanics issue, manual vs automatic etc., to be factored which naturally make a difference too. For me, the Napier-Railton for example was well off 3 Stars in automatic with assists off ( I don’t think TCS was an option in '33 of course it wasn’t automatic either ) but I was getting close. Turning TCS on made the difference.
The rest this story time were likewise mostly a challenge ( that’s a Good™ thing ) except, for me anyway, the Ferrari. That was a breeze easily done in one with time to spare. Maybe a bit of luck or I was finally warmed up to race form
Tell you what I would like, or LOVE, to see… challenges set and rated on specific setups, and said setups the required. And historically/reality true. Sort of like the Trial is Unbeatable AI and we sometimes get to do it in stock rides.
As an example in this case something like the Napier-Railton run would be setup with assists off and forced manual shifting ( I might not be so evil as to insist on clutch, but ). And the times/stars would reflect that and anyone could probably do 1 Star without too much struggle even if a casual automatic all assists on driver. You’d have to be better to get 2 Stars, and a regular and skilled manual shifting no assists driver to get 3 Stars.
But… they’ll never do that and I can already hear the lamentations at the very thought they might or that anyone would even suggest such cruel and unusual torment…
…not everyone, I think I know some here would also welcome the idea
A simple solution would be making 1 star easy, 2 stars medium and 3 stars hard always… i liked the napier one the best bec it was the only one that did take more than one try and thats how all 3 stars should be.
I agree im happy it wasnt too easy to 3 star. I wasnt trying to complain it was just so close i couldnt not share that pic.
And yeah the inconsistency is very annoying. The napier chapter really bugged me. I had switch to just manual shift and realized that you just need to stay in 2nd gear till the car hits a solid 112-115 mph then shift up to 3rd and i then just barely made it. Most of the stories were good they took some time to finish as thats what should happen.
I managed to do it in auto on the first run but it was very very close.
It’s something I often do that is extremely exaggerated in that chapter both because of the car + terrain, you have to ease up on the throttle slightly so it will change up and avoid as much redline bouncing as possible.
Yep, I was trying throttle control, standard for automatic transmission driving, but it wasn’t cutting it for me. Maybe I was not quite in the groove right off
As much as tried with it in auto i just couldnt find that sweet spot. With clutch i was thinking my problem was my shifting but really it was just my bad decision to not stay in second long enough. All in all though its nice when it takes some time to 3 star them.
Still haven’t three starred that one. Manual w/o clutch no assists. I feel like TCS will get me three stars easily, but I’m currently debating between three positions. That I don’t want to concede, that I just want to get it over with, and that I just want to ignore it and move on.
Like i said i put the trans to manual and stayed in second until 112 or so and that should put you past the second group of boats then shift up to 3rd and try to stay in it. It took a little bit of time to get it but when you do it feels nice
Used auto w/the assists based on the observations of others & was able to 3-star on the 3rd run I believe. This was one of those I realized quickly it was about essentially not steering & don’t hit anything.
Found the Hennessey chapter for (15) near misses to be one I had to attempt several times bc after the first several cars, the highway was literally empty.
Thanks, I appreciate the advice, but I think I’m probably going to go with ignoring and moving on. I already got the exorcist somehow through accolades, and I don’t really need the playlist points.
Dirt Rally 2.0 calls. Currently doing a group A career in a Evo VI. Weighing the thought of returning to that vs the (probably) short time to finish this challenge, one is a clear winner.
And yet here I am wasting time on the forums talking about it. Don’t read too hard into it or you might figure out which room I’m in as I type this.
That one gave me some grief. Plenty of cars for me but I was going a bit too close far too often and was picking up trading paints for fun.
That one i found the slower you go the better
5th gear half throttle
I tried that as well early on, which is when the highway became a ghost town, so I thought maybe the speed was a contributor
@AKAalpac: also got my fair share of trading paint points for sure
It was different every time but more times i saw maybe 7 cars on my side of the highway and i just laughed while flying down the highway trying to hit top speed and try again
Too late !
…somehow, quite appropriate