New story

Hehehe… same, but more picking up better near misses for fun when I finally got traffic on the second attempt, looked up and noticed I had 17 without trying and figured I’d better just floor it to make sure I got to the finish before the timer ran out :laughing:

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Yep, there’s definitely a sweet spot speed wise. Too fast and traffic doesn’t have the spawn cone ahead of you to exist before you’re past. At least that’s the feeling I’ve long had for this game.

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For the Hennessey one, I took it easy against oncoming traffic. Surprised with the amount of time that one gives. Got to the end with plenty of time left, so I turned around and got more. Sucks if you get a run that doesn’t spawn traffic.

Interesting design decision on the Ferrari one that it doesn’t require you to drive to the route end point. You can turn around at the start and drive toward the highway and easily clear the target.


I’m not looking forward to reinstalling my game and having to sit through the player character’s dialogue. Maybe I just won’t. I already have the 2018 1LE. :smile:

Who are the other characters in the story? Are they tolerable? It’s not Rami or Haley right? Right??!

Im pretty sure it was alejandra but ive turned off the speech in game so i dont really pay attention but im pretty sure thats the name i saw in the subtitles p

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Yeah, just Alejandra, we don’t even get to meet her new tuning racing bestie from Japan except in a car and silent.

What I hate is that they have writers who are pretty good at using Google for facts for the dialogue, yet the level design often features cars that don’t match the objective, or the level design doesn’t match the theme of the event. This story in particular was pretty egregious at both.

The first level featured a modified Supra with heavy downforce, but the level was mostly composed of straightaways and sweeping straightaways, the latter of which is any downforce-heavy car’s nightmare.

The second level had the Railton, which is mostly historically tied to the high-speed and long defunct Brooklands raceway, yet the level is more reminiscent of the top speed runs that used to be held on Daytona Beach, which I’m also certain was way more smooth than any beach featured in this game.

The third level seems to be a tribute to the really early days of NASCAR by having us drive hot rods on dirt, yet the neither the stock hot rod (which wasn’t even stock anyways) or the modified hot rod had dirt tires, making both difficult to control.

Then there was the Mid Night Club level. One, they spelled Mid Night Club wrong; they spelt it the same way the noted video game series does, which is not the same as the actual spelling of the real life club. Two, the level is heavily corner-based despite the fact that the actual Mid Night Club was all about highway racing and top speeds.

And then there was the final level, which just felt like an advertisement for Rimac.


I think it was because the Nevera was/not sure if still is the fastest EV in the world, unfortunately in-game it suffers the same problem the Concept Two did in FH4 hence it’s a terrible thing to drive and useless in S2, possibly even worse than the Evija which I shamefully admit I actually like to drive in FH5.

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