Guess I’m going to have to come back to leagues and do the lambo one. (Hoping I’ve been demoted due do absense)
I would like the huracan and totally missed the first week. So I need a 50% in pinnacle
Guess I’m going to have to come back to leagues and do the lambo one. (Hoping I’ve been demoted due do absense)
I would like the huracan and totally missed the first week. So I need a 50% in pinnacle
The leagues might as well be available 24/7 IMO, I don’t see the point of these time frames.
I had a hard time finding a pinnacle lobby with more than 6-7 people in it all day yesterday, and when I did they were a bunch of randoms I have not seen before. I barely see any of the regulars playing this week, can’t really blame them though the lobby is kind of trash.
The Lambos are fun though, they are pretty easy as well.
I’ve not been in the lobbys’ since the lambo league finished. Didn’t see the point in starting the D class contact league for a couple of days as I’m not a huge fan of D class.
I think it’s a bit odd that they’d release the porsche pack the same time they put the lambos out there. I barely have enough free time to play in one league let alone two. Can’t see the logic in that. Maybe it’s just me
I don’t really play the leagues to drive my name up the board. I enjoy them because they force people to run a specific class of car. It’s fun to have a theme. Usually I binge on the league races for a few days then I get bored and go back to the hoppers or progress my single player career.
I don’t play anything but the leagues tbh. If I don’t like them, I don’t play Forza for the week.
Same here pretty much. The ghost league is the only place you won’t get wrecked over and over. I don’t get why they close either since you can stay anyway if you are already in there. It just won’t give you points during that time. Makes no sense
If I had to guess it would have something to do with server maintenance. Maybe there are some scripts that have to be run for whatever reason. Hardware/software that handles this volume of users with the performance and precision necessary for wheel to wheel racing tends to be pretty needy.
What ever whe get next week, could the races be longer, seriously what are you supposed to do in 1 or 2 laps race, warm up your tires? Just under 10 mins is a good start & I dont think it would be too much for the average player.
Yeah really, I had to laugh when I seen Spa with ONE lap pop up in the rotation. What’s the point?
Haven’t really had much time for the leagues this week. I tried the D400 a couple of times but there was nobody in Pinnacle when I tried, guess everyone was doing the Lambo one.
Really cant understand why the leagues don’t have more laps, the hoppers are there for the casual players if they only want 5 min races. Why not gear the league races for those of us who want more serious competitive racing. Also with more laps it gives you more time to pick your overtaking opportunities, when they put rewards up for finishing in the top 50% it is almost forcing you to take risks when overtaking if you want the points.
More laps isn’t a problem when you’re already in the race. But when you join and they just started, having to wait so long to get in a race sucks. More often than not I’m probably leaving to run a hopper race.
Also, they added laps recently and I have to wonder if they didn’t stick to it because participation was down.
Was there a softening of who was allowed in pinnacle?!? There are persons there that clearly do not belong - way off pace but more importantly extremely poor race craft,beginner race raft almost or was some real high ranked guy go playing around and loosing to messing up tru skill?!?
Most of the time when you could get seperation there was some real good racing but or when 1am (6am gmt) lobby started it was pretty much awesome. I lost completely and felt awesome. The four of us went across the line nose to tail and were like that for two laps. Two groups bumper to bumper. And some how no dive bombing, bump and runs, swiping on the straights.
If I don’t belong in pinnacle demote me - trust me last time I was there surrounded by top names. I’m pretty much a back marker; however I would not do what was done. There is no reason to destroy a lobby with rookies I’m guessing this is some answer to improve the numbers in a lobby?
why do they say “Here is about finishing first” in the ghost league. It is giving people the mistaken impression that cutting corners to “finish first” is the goal. It should say finish first cleanly