New force feedback settings with g920

How are g920 owners getting on with the new FFB scales that appeared after the last update that came with blizzard mountain? It’s much improved IMO and feels more like FH2 did.
Anyone who reckons they’ve nailed the settings want to share them? Like wise, if your struggling I’ll share how I’ve set mine
.(my wheel now feels loads better than it used to…but I reckon there’s still room for improvement through tweaking around with these newer scales some more)

Kudos to the devs for giving the FFB some attention, I dropped the game entirely since its release and have been waiting for this ever since…Custom cockpit FOV’s next? :ok_hand:

Much agreed the ffb improvements are really good. It’s also nice to be able to use the horn.

Turn the centre spring to 0 and reducing FFB scale to about 60 is a good baseline to work from. It’d be nice if the devs could put out a recommended settings.

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