Hey guys,i would like some help on tuning mid engine or rear engine cars.Recently,i have been tuning my cars on my own using others peoples builds as a pointer.However,in these afforement 2 types of cars i have been a having an issue of severe understeer in corners.Given that these cars have more weight at the back i tune the arbs with more attention given to the rear.Something like 20 in the back and 17 in the front for example.The spring stiffness and rebound is something i dont think is the reason for the understeer.Feel free to correct me if so.So,how would you tune your mid engine-rear engine cars?Bear in mind we are talking s class cars.Porsches,lotuses and whatnot.Anywho,thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Sorry for bumping the thread,but if someone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
It will be highly helpful if you post a tune in order to help you, the more info you provide the better it will be, also car, class and track or if you want more of an all around…
Class s,cars i am talking about porsche gt3,gt2,lotus elise 99 and generally cars that are mid or rear engined.As far as tracks,i am not that concerned i just need some tips on how tune the understeer out.
Approx diff settings to start with:
Accel 60, Decel 40.
If the car is stepping out off gas increase decel, if understeering decrease it.
If the car is stepping out on gas decrease accel, if understeering increase it.
This is all I am posting because it is most often what is wrong.
I see.I dont have much of a problem stepping off the throttle per se,just i get all of understeer coming out of corners.The car almost feels like an AWD drive car and i cant make it turn in more.But i will try your diff settings and report back.