Multiplayer race results incorrect!!

Hi all, been playing Forza 5 for a week now and starting to learn the finer details of multiplayer madness, finishing in top 5 on most races but! When I go to race results they are nearly ALWAYS wrong, stating DNF and nearly always putting me in a lower position, is this common to other people and are Turn 10 aware, any answers please.

Yeah it seams a common problem ive had it a fair few times

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Cheers makes me feel a bit happier that it’s not just me, makes bragging rights hard to confirm though.

It is always wrong which makes it all the harder to identify good drivers or griefers. Why can’t they fix it and why can’t this post race results screen just appear as default instead of having to wait and click to view it. I am already tired of waiting through 30 seconds of the same car close ups and unskippable payout screens, do you really have to make me wait and click to view the most interesting thing about the race I just finished - its results.

If you click pause after you cross the line you will get an incomplete but more accurate and informative result screen. This only works while there is time on the clock.


I agree. Also if we are forced to look at close ups of a car at the end of a race I think it should being the car that got 1st.

Hi lnino, it’s nice to know it’s not just me that is getting frustrated with the race results, my only issue with this forum is DO TURN 10 READ THE COMPLAINTS? because if not there is no point in continuing,

In most FPS you get a KILL / DEATH ratio, in Forza it would be ace to have an AVERAGE RACE FINISH POSITION 3rd 5th 8th ect, they could make this only happen when there is at least 8 people Ina lobby to stop people just racing a friend, just a thought, only it seems like racing multiplayer has no reward apart from building your driver level which doesn’t actually mean anything because some of the drivers who are well over a hundred are still mainly without skill.

Yes it does suck that the results screen is messed up but that doesn’t effect what place you finish in or the payout.
1+ for the average race position.
I prefer racing with friends that way you know it will be a clean and good race.
As for the driver level not meaning anything it doesn’t and never will, its just a reflect of how much you play, same as prestige in COD.

Also whilst I have time to write, why don’t the Multiplayer lobbies offer different restriction, like damage to cars not just being cosmetic, the Demolition boys would soon get bored of ramming you if it broke their steering, suspension, etc.

I think the final results on a multiplayer race online have something to do with the way you drive? I tried it out a bit (not really scientific) but when i hit more people and eventually got 2nd or 3rd, I would receive less credits and XP then i should. Then i did my normal clean laps and ended 7th, this time around i received more credits and a gold trophee postion. It’s i think to encurage people to drive clean and fair, and that the will award that this way.

Maybe You all could give it a try, drive 2 races dirty and get first or second, then drive 2 or 3 races nice and clean, no matter your position. And let us know what happened with the final scorings and credit payouts!

The last time I came 1st, I led from the front, kept a clean line, hit / got hit by no one and results stated I was in DNF 11th place, All other drivers except one also were stated as DNF

Yeah, that is what is broken and the part they need to fix. For some reason pulls random people down in the DNF column and so the order is all jumbled and overall times not displayed.

The incorrect result screen does not effect your real place or payout. Depending on the number of people in the race the Gold/Silver/Bronze bracket can move and those do effect your payout. If there are a small number of people racing then the top three drivers maybe all that get the gold (1st), silver (2nd) and bronze (3rd) medal. In a full room more places are added to each bracket and it is likely the first three places will get gold payouts.

This seems to have just started today and is different from the post race event result showing incorrectly (which still hasn’t been fixed!). As you cross the finish line the notification of your placing comes up wrong. Say you cross the line in first it will say fourth place on the screen. This has been happening to a friend as well. It’s very strange- I’ve never played a racing game that couldn’t determine the finishing positions! Come on Turn 10–“Next Gen” should be better than this!!! I love the game but when you are competing online it’s kinda nice to have correct results, right?

Okay I just wanted to reiterate: THERE IS A NEW GLITCH as of January 24th,2014. My post today was moved to this older thread however I’m trying to bring attention to a new glitch. This is NOT the post race results glitch. The new problem is your that your finishing position and medal show incorrectly AS YOU CROSS THE FINISH LINE. How fun is that? I hope this clarifies things and that devs are paying attention.