Multi-Hopper Lobbies

Does anyone know if the open series will include muti-hopper lobbies for us to choose from? I would hate to be tied down to a certain class and then have to wait a week. I think it’s better to provide us the freedom on what class to race instead of controlling what we can race in. This is a deal breaker for me and why I have not pre-ordered. I think they did the same thing in 7 and then made it open when everyone did not like that.


I’d like to know more about this, and multi-class hoppers, if it is an option too.

This seems like it will an issue


Yeah this seems pretty terrible. I just watched the August monthly. I loved playing low level tiers in every previous Forza game. Plus you know they won’t have a custom lobby list because it will be more popular than whatever they have posted up. You’ll most likely not be waiting 1 week but potentially up to 4-5 to see your class pop up in rotation. I guess have a lot of friends on your friends list so you can make a private lobby or join a discord so they can help create the hoppers that we should already have in the game.

Put all this and the crappy car leveling system that forces you to play matchmaking with cars that you don’t even want to race? Sounds like an awful time. Sounds like they are going the Halo Infinite route. Release a piece of crap and polish it for a year or 2 till it’s somewhat playable. Sucks that the multiplayer player base will be gone by then.


One day in, game plays great. I just want to tune and race the cars I want, not what I’m told to race


It’s actually astonishing that the exact same thing they did away with in FM7 due to backlash is now in FM8.

I guess when you implement a bunch of ‘features’ that nobody wants, you now you have room for improvement and job security! Even so… the audacity of how Turn 10 claims ‘built from the ground up’ when its actually a culmination of fckery of all the worst things about the FM franchise compiled into one package…

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Yeah, I’d like to see the classic multi-hopper lobbies back in FM. I miss those because of the some instant uncomplicated racing fun. In current form it is just too time consuming und unflexible.


It takes way to long to join or start a game. The wait time is 15min plus. Sometimes you want to just jump in and race without waiting.
It feels like there is really nothing to race for. Should have online leaderboards and car clubs like Forza 4


I’m bored of driving the golf #22 now

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For me forza was all about multi class hoppers i could always find online races with friends in them …they have killed forza


Thats way Im back to Forza 7…great playing on line ANY class and freedom to do what u want in the game.


This is the biggest problem with this new FM, let us choose which classes we would like to race, I sometimes have to go nearly a week without playing because of a sh*tty rotation. Bring back all the different modes including games to break up the racing abit. Also the selection of tracks is great, but not enough. I’m an Aussie and my mates and I are guttered that Bathurst isn’t in this FM. We use to have private lobbies religiously every week on Bathurst and other tracks.


I just want trackday mode again. Maybe this time it would be better to be able to filter the track, not like it happened in 7. For me it is the best and most fun game mode. and for them to once and for all remove car leveling stinks is horrible. and that the airport mode also returned

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Forza Motorsport 2023… The game that most incentivizes “track day” driving, yet doesn’t have any open track day hoppers like in Forza Motorsport 7.

Built from the ground up. :+1:


there better this game is fizzleing fast we need more PERMANENT class lobbies AND player created ones