All class hoppers in Featured Multiplayer permanently

It would’ve been great if we could race in any car class at any time in open series, because it becomes repetitive to race the same cars for a week and having to wait days until a new category become available.

That would give us more freedom and make the game less repetitive.

I am a huge C class racer, always have been since FM4. Sometimes I’ll have a long week at work or be busy with other things and have no time to race that week. Since it’s on a weekly rotation, I’m out of luck and have to wait several weeks before it’s back up. Absolutely destroys the experience for me!

Please remove the weekly rotation and open up all classes!!

Thank you!


same issue, totally agree

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Don’t forget to hit the blue vote button above guys if you agree!

Just like the title says my suggestion is for all class hoppers to be added into multiplayer permanently just like in previous Motorsport titles.

Adding all classes to the game will allow players to utilize every car in the game whenever they want and always have somewhere to race! Enough is enough Turn 10, we want more class hoppers now.

This is the 3rd game in a row that you’ve omitted one of the best features at launch, it’s time to stop rotating class hoppers and just add them all permanently. We just want to race how we want to race guys and it’s instant content.


More possibilities/variation, yes please!

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Couldn’t agree more. i have over 100 hrs on this game already and im running out of stuff to do.

I don’t want to race career bc the AI is either so fast i can’t catch up or crash into me like i don’t exist

We should always have classes D-X for options

i feel as if my fun is being limited for a game that is supposed to be a “top racing game”


I dont understand why this isn’t implemented from day 1. Give us the freedom to race any class we desire. Its already becoming super redundant…


I still don’t understand why we don’t have permanent open class races. What if this week’s open class is “D” and I want to race mt A class car I just finished tuning, guess what, I can’t! What if this week’s open class is “B” and I want to race my most favourite car which is S class, guess what, I can’t! It’s idiotic.


This will split the (currently low) playerbase, def not agree

One of the most popular forms of racing is missing from featured multiplayer and it’s the ABCs mode. A proper introduction to multi class racing and a staple of the franchise


I absolutely loved these lobbies in FM7, it was my go to. I would love to see it return!

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Why do you disagree?

Is it really only one class at a time for a week?

More options means fewer average players per option and emptier lobbies + weaker matchmaking.

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Lack of players because of only one option has the same affect so it’s a pretty mute point


Very much agree!! All class hoppers all the time please.


yea tbh i played maybe 2 online races in the past 2 weeks, i can drive X but i don’t trust other people in X class cars, and E just really isn’t my kinda thing… in horizon where the tracks are super windy at times sure good fun on circuits it all go’s so slow >.>

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Not sure why they wont listen and bring back all the classes in the public lobby instead of this silly rotation


Funny enough this has been tried and failed before. They did the same thing in the first few months of FM7 before they finally just added all classes.
My only guess is they want to try to keep lobbies full but now that we have 2 hoppers in rotation it’s gonna start the traditional less popular lobby has less players deal. The same lobbies will be the most popular as in every other Forza to ever exist


This is so important. Last week we could only race X and E class. This is so stupid.