I know this might be a stupid topic,but does anyone know if there going to be making a money cap in Forza Motorsport 7 like they did in Forza 4? any old school Forza Vets there that might know? don’t know if there are any Forza Vets out there that remember the update that they put out because of the money glitchers, Modder etc… it capped the amount of money that you could have at twenty million I believe
I fully expect the marketplace economy to be broken within weeks of it coming out. A money cap will de-incentivize people from playing the game a lot to make money to buy stuff in the marketplace. They wanted to sell the VIP pack. They want people to buy and trade stuff in the marketplace. That will take money and serious bidding wars. I gave up on it in F2 after spending hours in the marketplace only to get out bid by someone’s bot at the last second. Internet lag is a killer.
I’m sad knowing that might be entirely true, but I’m a forza fan and I still keep hope where hope has been lost. I just wish that there where not as many money glitches in the forza motorsport games or any games entirely. I even wonder who test there games anymore if its entirely Microsoft or do they hire amateur gamers to test there games? I believe in almost every forza there has been a money glitch, but hey that’s the day and age we live in I guess.
Wasn’t the cap 1 billion credits? Well, judging by some posts of people that both legitemately and illegitemately obtained credits in previous & current iterations of the game.
In all honesty, FM7 pays out good enough. Even if you’re not VIP and using regulars cars, I think you could obtain 300K to 600K an hour from racing in Free Play. If they eventually choose to limit the Buyout-options in Auction House, just like in FH3, the most expensive car can’t/won’t reach 7.5 million credits. Normal cars, that you can buy in the game, easily top 2 million credits so I cannot see how a cap of 20 million or 200 million would be a good idea. Just let the game pay and you choose how/if/where to spend it.
Think I got a total of 600 million credits spread still in all previous Forza Games that I didn’t spend but completely gained by just racing, racing, racing.
Yeah the cap was 999,999,999.
I should know, Forza 2-4 reached the cap due to moders buying my paints in the auction house.