Mitsubishi GTO Paint Glitch

Does anyone else have the problem that when you change bumpers, wing, etc that they revert to the original colour the car was bought in?

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I have yet to buy this car and try it. However i was thinking of creating a separate thread for everyone to post Vinyl/Paint specific Glitches rather then just throwing it in a bug report thread and it getting lost. I have a few cars on the list already with some rather bad paint/vinyl glitches: Evo 6, S15 Silvia & MX5.

I will start a thread with pics to show the glitches soon. Got to share and save all the images first!

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There’s allready one of those threads somewhere. Can’t remember if its in here or race paint section.

Its here bud: …& i love that last post.

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I knew I didn’t imagine it lol

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I have used the search feature and couldn’t find a Vinyl/Paint Specific Glitch Report Thread

Hmm it deffo exists, I’ve posted in it. Might of been on the old forum though.

I currently have a massive paint project going on the Mitsubishi, and I have not noticed any glitches. In fact, so far it has fewer mapping/scale glitches than most cars I’ve done.

(I don’t mean to turn this into a rant, but…) Honestly, it doesn’t matter if we post any of these are not. We all know T10 won’t fix them. And the whole “built from the ground up for next-gen” statement they keep saying is a blatant lie if we STILL have the same exact paint glitches from every other FM… End of rant

On the positive side, if we can’t get the Dodge Stealth back (my main drift car), I’ll settle for the Mitsubishi GTO… So, thanks for my car back, I guess?


Thats not strictly true, we have some exciting new next gen glitches, like the reverso glitch that makes your vinyl do exactly the opposite of what your controller tells it to, or the mirror glitch where if you place a vinyl on the car it appears backwards on the opposite side of the car instead of on the side you wanted it to. These are all FM5 exclusives, and don’t even get me started on the fact the top centerline coordinates and rotational axis are wrong on at least 50% of the cars I’ve tried painting lol.


We painters aren’t necessarily skilled just because we can put down colored shapes on cars in cool ways, it’s because we can manage to put up with completely and utter – like that…

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Cheers doe the link to that thread. I was planning on making a similar thread except with Screenshots of these said glitches. I’m surprised no one posted any. Maybe I should just send all my paint glitch screenshots to Turn 10 in the hope they can fix them

Nah post them up bud it’ll be useful, I was going to but I was too lazy lol.