Missing Textures in Nürburgring (Night)

When i go into free play and select the Nurburgring (full track) at night setting i get this weird missing textures and see through ground .

Also when i select day everything is normal except the Subaru FH edition is missing some textures on the rims .

Anyone having these issues ? I’m on PC i restarted the game and i can replicate this issue everytime .

Intel 7700K | Windows 10 | 16GB G-skill DDR4 3200Mz | Nvidia EVGA GTX1080TI SC | Asus Maximus Code | PNY SSD 240GB

There is a bug when you use alot of “rewinds” , textures might dissapear. otherwise idk.

This happens at the very start of the race , everytime .

I had this missing textures thing happening in Demo on Dubai track. Looks like the demo was pretty accurate about, what is going to be in the full game, including problems.

Did you set the “resolution scale” in forza graphics settings above 100% ? do you run 1080P or 4K?

Try to go in nvidia control panel - power management mode - prefer high performance
Then in regular windows control panel - power options - high performance plan

idk if these things will work, but it’s worth a shot

Well i had my PC at High performance before , i don’t know how it went back to balanced , but it did fix the Missing Ground issue . The game is scaled to 100%

The textures on the Subaru Rim is still there . i’m guessing that’s a Game bug .


Just had this happen on the Rio Track . lap 1 was fine but 2 and 3 had the same issue . Definitely a game bug