I played the demo and the game itself. I found that while using cockpit view, cars are not reflecting on wet road surfaces. I checked to see if i could find this in other people’s recorded footage of the game since it could have just been a one-off bug thats only happening to me or few people and sure enough, the same situation exists there.
Now i dont know what to think. It could be a bug in the game’s rendering, or it could be that they chose to disable car reflections on road surfaces while using cockpit view… for whatever reason. I hope its just a bug that can get fixed cause i love driving in cockpit view the most, and not having cars reflect on the road surface is kind of a jarring experience when your looking into an otherwise beautifully rendered image… its that one thing thats missing that throws the whole thing a bit off…
The only things i dislike about it, the rain droplets look absolutely amazing but never move… when you’re driving along at 200mph in a super car you would expect rain to move off the car
Heavy rain weather seems to put a blue hue on all the shadows in my game (Might just be me, but its rather obvious on my game)
Also the real time reflections on the roads and such, which also look amazing, sometimes pop in quite obviously and that can kill my immersion in an instant
Otherwise, i think its well delivered and like the rest of the game it seems to me that they have spent a lot of time making it work how they want it