Midnight Battles - Poll

This poll is solely dedicated to the new Midnight Battles. If you don’t know anything about them then scroll to the second comment in this thread for more info.

Rate the new Midnight Battles overall from 1 (low) to 5 (high):

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

0 voters

What did you like MOST about this update? Pick up to 2.

  • New routes/tracks
  • Car rewards
  • Accolades
  • Unlocking battles
  • Battles were easy
  • Battles were hard
  • Battles were fun
  • None of the above

0 voters

What did you like LEAST about this update? Pick up to 2.

  • New routes/tracks
  • Car rewards
  • Accolades
  • Unlocking battles
  • Battles were easy
  • Battles were hard
  • Battles were not fun
  • None of the above

0 voters

How difficult were the Midnight Battles?

  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard

0 voters

How did you figure out what the Midnight Battles were and how to unlock them? Pick 1 or more.

  • In game news
  • Forums
  • Official streams
  • Youtube
  • Friends
  • Figured it out on my own
  • I’m still confused. I love lamp
  • None of the above

0 voters

Would you like to see more Midnight Battles added in the future?

  • Yes
  • No
  • None of the above

0 voters

What type of Midnight Battles would you like to see added in the future?

  • All
  • Street
  • Road
  • Dirt
  • Cross Country
  • None of the above

0 voters

On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) how strongly do you care for new routes/tracks added in the future?

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

0 voters

Comments below with your thoughts on the Midnight Battles. Thanks for voting!

Midnight Battles consist of 4 new routes/tracks where players go head to head in a race with an AI player to win a car reward. To unlock Midnight Battles players must do a total of 16 street races where every 4 street races unlocks 1 Midnight Battle. This can be performed by doing regular street races or street races in online racing. You can also complete 16 races considerably faster by doing 0-second event labs in a non x-class car (I recommend a-class based on my own testing). All 4 new routes/tracks have also been included in the Rivals section under a new tab called Midnight Battles. There are also new accolades located under street racing > midnight battles.

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Overall, a bit of a yawn. Awards were already in game. Routes were ok. Rando voice I didn’t recognize doing the intros. Completed in roughly an hour.


I welcome the idea but the implementation is mediocre at best. Why for example do I’ve to do 16 races just to unlock the four new ones. They should be unlocked at least for players that have the respective number of races done in the past already. I’m sure they could track that from for example other already achieved street-racing accolades.

I also don’t like that they’re class or even car depending.

Besides that I don’t see much if any replay value. Most players will presumably only do them once just for the unlocks.


Yeah, not much replay value but like the new routes/rivals! More please!

If the drivatars were easier to deal with programming wise, then we’d probably see more new routes by now.

I remember JONK posting about the absurd amount of bugs they had to work out before even adding custom routes in horizon 4. Still had a lot of issues even after adding the option.

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MidNight Battles
It is simple, you can use 0 sec blueprint to complete 16 rounds of Street racing and get 4 MidNight Battles.

Than you prepare Ford any Mustang C600, Any Toyota Celica A800, Any Honda B700 and any Lamboghini S1 to challenge four MidNight Battles, you can set difficulty very low and easy win 1st place.

The last one - 4 ultimate skill chain just drive the car to drift, speed and wreck to gain it. It can be accumulated.


The only thing I didn’t like were the lights on the road cars not working, so you can’t see road cars… not in the poll.

The lights on other cars are more like a white colour on the car, they should light up the trees, and stuff, then you would know where the other cars are.

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I like the midnight battles but I think they could be more engaging and immersive. The pink slip car now is just a random car that pops up after 4 races. In other games it’s part of the opponents you race and you have the feeling you have to work towards racing him 1 on 1.

Perhaps it would be cool too if it had unique mods or a paint job to make it a bit more collectable. In FH3 they had bodykits and wheels which you could reinstall afterwards in the bodykit preset menu.

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I’d like one different midnight battle added to the playlist every month, as a monthly challenge.


Question, why are so many of you voting “none of the above” for what did you like most/least? I seemed to have missed many preferred options.

I liked least the lighting, not in the poll, as I said. Mainly though to do with Road Cars, not race cars.

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I have mixed feelings about this addition.
On the one side new routes, on the other street races (my archenemy - NPC cars). And as TheWarmWind76 - missed opportunity for downhill touge. Would be much better than blind corners of Guanajuato.
As for “unlocking”: IMO it should be unlocked.
At first I was going for quick way with “short blueprints”, but for some reason it was not working for me + it was very annoying to just sit and watch loading screens. So I took the “long route” and now I’m unlocking it in Horizon Open street races. Not very time efficient, but much more fun. Even with my archenemies on road :wink: Still have last one to unlock.
Looking forward for new routes. Rather not street races.

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It didn’t work for me using x-class but it did work using a-class.

And another thing is that you can’t fast travel to a battle without going out of the map, and then back into the map again.

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Really missed opportunity. At the very least the reward cars should have been new.
So now they ended up in the scrapyard or in the auction house.

The routes were new, so that’s a plus. Didn’t mind the unlocking. And if you really mind the grind you could always use a blueprint.

Hopefully they add a few more midnight battles.


I played the game properly using street races set on Expert. I could do Pro, but I might come 2nd.

I know that reward cars seem to be unpopular, but I, on the contrary, am delighted with this.

In FH5, has clearly reduced the opportunity to get past exclusive cars in the playlist and Forzathon Shop. (presumably to increase “user engagement” and to keep the market price for exclusive cars on the AH intentionally high).
So this additional opportunity to re-acquire past prizes is a good thing.

As others have suggested, it would be even better if new or different “return” reward cars could be obtained on a regular basis, e.g. by adding new midnight battles.

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The tracks are good. More technical than most other routes and especially the last one is inspired by the last of Horizon 3 vs. the same car.
Narrow start with elevation changes and ending on the highway with a cp chicane through the guardrail.
Liked that.
Unfortunately the AI is super slow. After I finished the Murcielago one I used the stock one for the accolade and the “tuned” S900 Murcielago couldn’t keep up at all - on unbeatable.
Didn’t like that.


There were multiple times the opponent either got stuck behind traffic (almost permanently) or overshot a corner and just sat there for a moment in the weeds…feast or famine with these drivertards.

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I did race 1 in a stock Super Bee. Exact same PI but absolutely destroyed the '71 Mustang for performance. Shame.