Matchmaking slow and solo lobbies

Before the update everything was fine.

Now I struggle to get a lobby with people in it.
The matchmaking screen takes much longer than it used to, and 85% of the time I end up alone in a lobby.

If I leave and rejoin the lobby, sometimes I will get a full lobby, took me 6 tries, but I found a half full lobby earlier, only to be put in a empty lobby next race..

I haven’t had any computer or modem updates and everything is the way it’s always been..

Was there something changed with the region you are in, with matchmaking?

So, no news on this issue at hand.
Just a reply saying that yous are working on it, or no too bad, is all I ask.

After playing this broken game, for 239days of playtime, and not getting a reply on the Porsche issue, at least yous can let me know about the matchmaking…

548 days of playtime on forza 7
239 days of play this Forza.

Going to be sad that this is what ends my Forza time, because I can’t continue to play if I can’t actually get races with other people.