I have noticed an odd noise when shifting gears in manual and clutch mode in interior views. I’m finding this very annoying and wondering if there is a setting to turn it off. Hopefully this isn’t in the final game as it’s ruining the experience for me!!
are you lifting off the throttle? or holding it full?
Lifting all the way off.
You’re probably grinding the gears. Pay attention to your clutch and throttle control. If you’re getting on the gas before the clutch has fully disengaged or you’re shifting before the clutch has fully engaged, you will hear a grinding sound.
When I first used manual with clutch I did this all the time (I still occasionally do, especially when I need to shift unexpectedly).
Yep concur, your shifting without the clutch fully engaged, you can play with you clutch dead zones in the controller advanced setting to suit your shifting style, may help
Same problems here
Logitech G920+shifter
I have figured out what the problem is.
When I press down the clutch it wont engage for the full 100%
I have been messing around with the deadzones and even with the " Clutch outside deadzone " dialed back to 20 i can only achieve 93.7% clutch input at best and because of this issue i/wheeldrivers get this geargrinding sfx.
For the more realistic gamers is this even more of a problem, because when mechanical damage is turned on, we end up damaging our gearbox everytime gears are being changed.
I do not play with a controller so I do not know how it working out for the pad-drivers.
Same problem Here…
Never had this problem on any other game ( played since FM2 ), and Yes I know How to drive stick.
I checked in game on the telemetry, if it was te clutch that takes some time to engage.
Just a little bit but that’s not it.
So ‘Turn 10’ plsss fix the clutch problem or just turn of the grinding sound.
Kind Regards
if you played FM7 you encountered the same gear grind.
FM6 you could change gears without lifting the throttle.
With FM7 you have to lift like in real life!!
Yes I know.
But I than think it’s just a thing to get used to.
Why would you have to lift if the engine and transmission are not connected when you press the clutch and it disengages?
You do not have to lift in FM7.
Back on topic the only oddity I noticed was with the first engine swap for 92 nsx. With manual with clutch or even with manual the car sounded like it was shifting similar to an auto with garbage shift times. I lost time on every upshift. That’s the only car I’ve noticed that. Adjusting gears, and even throwing in clutch and flywheel upgrades had no impact.
It makes that sound even when the car is stopped and in neutral when pressing the clutch down
Heard the same
Yeah after playing the demo, it is the gear grinding sound, but it does it no matter what you do. Also doesn’t help that I don’t think any of the deadzone settings are working for my wheel. Brakes are super weak (I can only get about 75% brakes with the pedal all the way down, even with minimum inside and outside settings) and clutch is at 98.4% when fully pressed.
For me in every forza game that I have played with clutch/h pattern (basically every game since FM3) the grind noise comes from when going from in gear to neutral. Because the motion of changing gears is so fast most people will pull the stick out of gear before the clutch is fully pressed. IRL that’s not an issue, in the game however N is considered to be a gear, so in Forza’s trans model if the clutch is not fully disengaged it will grind.
Gringing in N does not damage the gearbox or slow down the shift time, all it does is give you an annoying CRRRRCKKK.
Guys there is definitely a bug, when you press the clutch button on the wheel and shift gears it makes no grinding sounds, however if you use the pedal it does, even if the actual clutch works. Try testing it when stationary, clutch pedal works but makes the grinding sound - button works as well without the sound.
Definitely an annoying bug. Fully lift off throttle, and clutch pressed all the way in and still every single gear I get an awful grinding sound. Even stationary same grinding gear sound. This is the only complaint I have towards the game. Seems like it would be a simple fix. Also seems to be just us g920 users. Please fix before release.
Is not just g920 users. I have a Thrustmaster tx with the t3pa pedals and I have the same problem. And I saw slaptrain, with the fanatec wheel, hearing the same grinding noise. The grinding noise is on every wheel/controller when you play with clutch.
g920 XBox user here…getting this same issue.
Same. G920 on PC. The car can be fully stopped. Clutch pedal all the way to the floor and still grinding while going through every gear. It’s not ignoring the pedal though. You can slightly press on it while cruising without letting the gas off and the revs will go up. I’ve played FM6, FM7 and FH3 with clutch and never grind gears. Rev-match, heel-toe, perfect shifts, no grind. Tried copying the settings from other games and it is still not working.
Please fix before release! I don’t feel like waiting month after month for a fix like with FM7/FH3. I am waiting acknowledgement from PG so I can place my $100 order.