[INVESTIGATING] Gear Grinding Noise w/clutch

There is excessive gear grinding noise when using the wheel with manual & clutch. This even happens when the car is in neutral and you let out the clutch…very annoying, please test and fix. Xbox One S and newest Logitech wheel (sorry I can’t remember the model number). On a side note, Simulation steering is not very sim at all.


Had the same issue with my g920 on the demo. Try using hood view for now until a patch is released as it was only making the grinding noise for me using cockpit or driver view, all the others were ok


Try to hold the clutch a little bit longer. That helped for me. I noticed that the better gearbox that you can buy in workshop allows you to hold the clutch shorter.

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Same here. CSW v1 wheel, pedals, and Clubsport shifter. Even stopped, holding the clutch all the way in, it will grind just putting the transmission in neutral.

There is something wrong. I don’t have this issue in FM7 and didn’t in FH3.


hey one quiestion, i am using the same wheel as you, are you on pc and if so are you using a custom profile or default i have no ffb thats why im asking

Came here to mention this, it’s ridiculously annoying. If the clutch isn’t 100 percent pressed in at the time of gear stick change the grind noise happens.
I’ve tried with the deadzone settings but they don’t work, at least not how they should.

It even makes the grind noise if you come out of the menu back to the game if you’re in neutral.

Please, please fix as I was really looking forward to using my thrustmaster th8a gears.


The same problem. This sound makes me loose my focus during driving. Deadzones aren’t working at all, no matter if it’s for steering, or for pedals.

If they really needed to put this sound in the game, they should at least do it right. Not when you change to neutral, but when you change to other gears. Clutch doesn’t work that way.

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I submitted a ticket to the Forza support page. I’d encourage everyone to do the same to bring attention to it, and hopefully get it patched quickly.

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Same issue. Hope this is resolved soon.

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Same here even when standing still clutch engaged i can rev the engine witouth moving.
i change gears (no trottle or any rpm except from idle) it grinds. it only does not grind when my pedal is fully down. (tried alot of diffrent settings in the wheel control sliders and the problem persists on all settings)
i can shift fast with no problem since the clutch is engaged enough to shift or to clutch kick when drifting (pedal not all the way down) but the grinding sound is still there.
so the game does not look if the clutch is engaged it just checks if the pedal is all the way down plz fix this or just remove that annoying sound!!
Should not be that hard

Same for me using g29 w/ h shifter , unplayable in cockpit view , really need a fix , at least copy paste the fh3 script please

Same problem here, I’m gonna try holding the clutch longer as was replied as a fix, but I felt the need to also let you know this game should never be assumed a sim. This is an arcade game with great graphics and fun physics, but this isn’t intended to be a sim game. If you want to play a sim racer, get Assetto Corsa or wait for Assetto Corsa Competizione. Another with fairly realistic physics is Project Cars 2; it’s not quite on the level of AC, but it’s very user friendly and a fun game overall.

Quick note after attempting to hold the clutch for different periods of time, still no luck. Holding it abnormally long before pulling the shifter into neutral still makes a grinding noise. Forgot to note I’m using the G920 with H-Shifter, which from what I’ve gathered is 99% identical to the G92 just with some cosmetic differences. This would make me think all the button inputs are read the same by the PC.

Same problem on Xbox 1x with a controller, however only cockpit view.

Same problem with the g27. Especially annoying when trying to drive normal and admire the views only to be interrupted by a cccccrrrrrrrrrrrrtt! Please fix :+1:t2:

It’s an audio issue. Only occurs in interior views when the clutch is released.

Test by bringing up telemetry with simulation damage on.

When your car is stationary, gear in neutral, press the clutch all the way in and then release without changing out of neutral.

You will hear a grind every time but no damage will be taken.

Bump, this is infuriating and still happening!


Having this same issue, running on PC with Logitech G27. Very disappointing that they did not just carry over the coded files from previous FM versions, as they did not give this issue, I have played all FM series and truly loved them. This however, is quite annoying as it takes away from the simulation when power shifting. Or even regular driving. I hate grandma shifting through every gear just so I don’t hear that dreaded grind noise. Please fix this, or just get rid of the grind noise all together.

i just suggest you all send in bug reports to the devs if you havent already untill they fix this iam using manual transmission and just using the clutch for the fun of it and not hear GEWSGFTEWG@#$G@#$G@#G@G@#F every time i shift