Managing/Sorting Your Creative Hub

Wanted to post a quick guide on how to clean up your creative hub. There may be better ways of doing this but this is how I currently try and keep things clean. Especially for large projects… when you face many works in progress and it takes quite a while. While I dont think this was the intended way of doing these sort of things this is what works for me. So do it at your own risk of course in case somehow a update changes how vinyls work at some point.

Vinyl Groups

Unshared/Deleted Vinyls Still on Creative hub?

  1. Go to a Festival/House
  2. Designs and Paints
  3. Apply Vinyls and Decals
  4. Apply a Vinyl Shape
  5. Search for your Gamertag (Make Sure Max Layers is high because you want all your layer groups to be shown)
  6. Download the Vinyl Group and Apply it to your car
  7. Back out and exit without saving to your car unless you are wanting to “store your vinyls” (See “Vinyl Storage” Section Below)
  8. Go to My Vinyl Groups Delete Freshly downloaded files you want to delete. Recently downloaded files that you applied to your car will appear first

Vinyl Storage
Maybe you want to remove a vinyl from your creative hub but intend on using them again?

  1. Go to a Festival/House
  2. Buy and Sell → Autoshow
  3. I recommend buying the Sera (If you have the dlc) as it is cheap (10,000 cr) or any other cheap autoshow car.
  4. Once Purchased go to Designs and Paints
  5. Apply Vinyls and Decals
  6. Apply a Vinyl Shape
  7. Search for your Gamertag (Make Sure Max Layers is high because you want all your layer groups to be shown)
  8. Download the Vinyl Groups you want to store and Apply it to your car.
  9. Apply as many as you can on the car
  10. Should be able to save to current car and back out, but I highly recommend saving to design catalogue and sharing it
  11. Name it Something that will be easy to find. (I tend to name mine Vinyl Storage #)
  12. Once you are happy with the vinyls you want to store and everything is saved and shared back out of the paint booth go to my vinyl groups and delete the ones you have applied to the saved and shared car.

Getting a Vinyl from Storage

  1. Find the cheap car from earlier and livery you have saved and shared and apply it to your car
  2. Now that it is applied go to Apply Vinyls and Decals
  3. Find the Vinyl you want to save (All vinyl groups that were added previously by default should be grouped)
  4. Select the grouped vinyl you want to use and select Save Layer Group
  5. Then resave it and reshare it.
  6. If you want it to stay back on your creative hub again then you are done, but if you are just wanting to use the vinyl group temporarily for a different livery. Apply the vinyl group to the different livery then repeat “Unshared/Deleted Vinyls Still on Creative hub?” to delete them again


  1. Go to a garage/festival
  2. Designs and Paints
  3. My Designs and select the livery you want to remove. Select it and select unshare. Then delete.


Sadly there isnt really a fast way of deleting alot of tunes quickly…

  1. Open Your Creative Hub via the menu
  2. Find tunes you dont want any more
  3. Get in the car that has the tune shared
  4. Go to tunes in the creative hub tab
  5. Go to my tunes and select the tune you want to remove and select unshare


  1. Take a Photo Via Photo Mode
  2. Press Continue and then save the photo
  3. From the Save Photo Popup you should see all your other photos you have taken. You should be able to delete them from there. Which should unshare and remove it from the Creative hub as well

If anyone has any issues with the guide or a quicker way to do any of these sort of things… please let me know. This is the process I had been running for a while. Who knows maybe there is a quicker way of doing so


it’s a rubbish system so always helpful to have instructions!