I lost all my progress in the game, does anyone know how to fix this?
During a race my wifi stopped working, and when I logged in again. I lost everything.
I lost all my progress in the game, does anyone know how to fix this?
During a race my wifi stopped working, and when I logged in again. I lost everything.
I lost mine too last week
its impossible to get your save game back ")
Just lost 10 levels and half million credits worth of progress that l made today in Online Adventure. The save icon got stuck on and eventually l had to quit the game. Thankfully lost only those and not everything but this sucks
Why play if up to everything just gets taken away from you.
I’m alarmed by all the posts I keep seeing about total loss of progress. How does this happen enough times to see new victims of it in here every day? Losing your internet connection should have no bearing on it. The save is local, and gets synched to the server. I can see a power outage or game crash corrupting a save, though. The question then becomes whether the system detects the corruption or not. If it doesn’t, it will overwrite a perfectly good cloud save with a corrupt local save. This is far and away my biggest gripe against the Xbox–we are not allowed to back up our own save data, and have to trust the automated cloud-backup feature. We don’t even get that if we play offline.
I did too I lost everything even multiplayer stats? Although I’m still in my clan.
I lost everything too, all my horizon edition cars, money EVERYTHING. Even multiplayer stats although I’m still in my clan?
Like l said previously l lost about 7 levels of wheelspins yesterday. Now that l’m regaining those levels l notice l’m winning the same prizes and cars again.
So this game uses a fixed seed randomization for the wheelspins. Meaning that if you go back in levels you should win the same prizes again. Don’t know if that applies to total data loss (level reset to 0, lose everything). Don’t know if a new random seed is generated at that point.
Curious thing. lf we had the formula that determines how the wheel is spun and you knew your random seed that means you could all calculate all the wheelspins you’ll win in perpetuity.
I made an experiment with my backed-up save recently, and indeed the spins are preset.
I am about level 150-something now and made screenshots of all of my wheelspins. Someday I hope to find some pattern in them:)
As for the thread topic: as I wrote before, guys, just make manual backups of your saves!
Hi all,
I have followed the instructions provided by Turn 10 here
and I got an reply from them very soon. However after a few exchanges it became clear that they cannot restore anything.
It is highly disappointing to say the least. When buying their game, we are not only buying a DVD but also a service and trust to look after our data and clearly they failed.
I have personally no faith anymore in their customer service and the way they deal with it. Their responses were not very professional in top of this. no greeting message nor signature and learning that I will not get back my progress nor any compensation has been provided (a part of give you some gift!!!). Hundreds of hours wasted. I have no motivation to start all over again. I guess like most of you.
I am really considering to sell all my games from this editor in a few weeks, This will depends on how Turn 10 handle the issue.
What are your thoughts guys?
What are you planning to do? Do you still trust Turn 10 to look after your data ?
Luckily enough for me. I have always resisted the temptation to purchase cars or Blizzard or Hot Wheels. I wonder how they would handle this one too.
Reply received
"I am not able to return any progress as your game has been over written. However, I usually gift back credits, garage value and all HE and Unicorn cars. In this case, I don’t want to gift you those items back if the issue isn’t fixed and you lose everything again. You would still have to play through the game to unlock online mode to receive the gifts."
What do you make of it?
Best regards
I agree the customer service isnt very good World of Tanks, which is a free game, has better customer support than this by miles which is very disappointing if I’m honest. I think they need to just give people thier credits and give them some kind of xp packages to get them back go thier level and also some compensation for the poor service.
It is extremely disappointing. I have not heard from them for over 3 weeks. I know many users are affected but it really does not matter how many. Each customer who has put his trust and money into buying their products should receive appropriate support.
It seems that they are only bothered if the users group themselves and make a lot of public noise. Like when Yahoo had been hacked.
This is a very poor attitude for a company who claim to be one of the best. With selling products come the responsibility of After Sale, support and services.