Losing safety rating when not at fault?

So I pretty much always try to race as if I’m in a real car… but inevitably someone rams me off the track or into another car. I haven’t had any time penalties in my last 3 or so races, but my safety rating dropped from S to A. Does anyone know if you lose safety rating from being hit? Is the system just looking at the amount of collisions and off tracks? If so… that is really dumb.


I am not definatly sure but i think the safty rating is based on the last few races (amount = X [ i do not know] ) how much penalty you earn per race. Maybe someone else does know how the safty rating actually work ?

If the A hat ramming you applies 1% brake in the driving line assist zone, you get the penalty being rammed.

They claimed AI is doing these functions. It’s a monkey with an abbacus.


Bro doesn’t even have a real abacus, monkey has 3 different coloured beans.


Same here and happened more then once, Already had to recover back to S about 4 times! First time I reached it, kept there for 12 races (Achievement at 10th) and on the next race, at SPA, got a great start to 2nd and on 1st corner, “Hairpin”, Full braking into the corner, got rammed in the back, hit another one off the track, got a 4.5 sec penalty and safety rating dropped to B. Had that about 3 or 4 times alreadhy.
And the thing is… they ram you, ruin the race to a handfull os people and then leave…


Yeah… And if this is what S rating looks like… I’m kind of terrified to get bumped lower lol.


Same here. It’s an absolute clown show how bad the penalty and ranking systems are. Every race I end up with somebody tapping me on one corner or other of my bumper and sending me flying off, and I get the penalty.


Its only if you get penalized for something.

Do you have a source for that? I would love to read up on how the safety rating/penalty system works.

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My source is i got the cheevo for keeping S rating even though i exceeded track limits without penalty many times over the course of 10 races. And i was collided with quite a few times without oenalty and never lost the rating. Im still S for what must be 25+ straight races now. The only time my rating went down was early on when i was bad at racing and got penalties

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Fair enough… Now I just need to figure out how to not get random penalties when I get rammed into someone.

Stay wide in turn 1. Once you start climbing out of the rooms where people think they dont deserve to be stuck in the traffic the rammers dry up. Theres plenty of people complaining about rammers on here but Ive experienced respectful lobbies 80% of the time. I wish the replays worked so I could prove it haha

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It would be nice to have a system where the rammer has to pay a huge fine for each of such an actions and he cannot join multiplayer until it’s settled :smiley: Of course it will never happen.

I’m S-rated, >4000 and the races I had yesterday was purely ram-fest. One really strange thing happened: I was leading, +5s advantege and suddenly 2nd guy starts to regain 2s per lap. He got me on the last lap and instead of overtaking me he rolled me over :smiley: I finished 2nd because of that (until the car restarted) and he received +5s penalty, so he finished 5th or 6th because of that. If he raced clean he would end up 2nd… I think I’m done with featured multiplayer and will look for some private lobbies to race clean with people.


I was late in the race in one of those Formula Mazda events. The guy ahead was slithering around, obviously his tires were toast. He braked way earlier than I expected before a corner and I slightly clipped him.

Result: flamboyant spin for him, 4.5 second penalty for me which I thought was a little unjust. Dropped my safety rating one tier but I clawed it back after an event or two.

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There’s an easy way to solve ramming. Increase max car level by 10 levels any time someone rams. I swear they will never ever do it again.


Collision detection system with ghosting would be a nice first step.

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Hahaha… knowing your stance on car leveling… this is hilarious

The problem there is that it starts to feel like a time trial. The collisions should add to the racing when they are handled appropriately.

It cracks me up when I get absolutely decimated by someone, and I see the game “thinking” for like 5 seconds only to decide it was no big deal. I almost feel like I want to try locking my brake at 1% and see if that makes me immune to time penalties.

iRacing doesn’t have a perfect system for this… but it is leaps and bounds better than the FM system.


I love the idea of a fine but when the computer gets it wrong it would be feels bad. The system just needs some work is all, im seeing flagrant rammers get DQ’d which is nice. Im honeslty experiencing respectful and clean racing. I hope people start getting my luck in lobbies.

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It is better to ram the first in the last lap so hard that it is impossible for him to get any chance to win this - that is the most common “startegie” at this rank - it is unbelievable how bad the MatchMaking System works even if you hit the “enemy” really really hard you get a penalty time for about ~ 2.5 secounds and you will easly win the race (you might will get back to “A” but in 2 races later you are back at “S” → and there is no different in the quality of racing between A and S rank …)- hopefully they will fix this or it does not makes any sence to play this game.