Losing safety rating when not at fault?

You get penalised for recieving penelties not for collisions, so if you get hit or go off track unless its deemed as your fault or you made time by going off track it shouldnt effect your rating. Although i think to keep a S rating you have to be absolutely perfect. I would like to see the actual thresholds or triggers to see wlat what point you get demoted and what you need to achieve to get promoted

Oh you met this kind of player too ? Yeah it’s so boring, penalty system doesn’t get it at all. U can ram guys with no issue what so ever.

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I was in a lobby where I got punted off track. I started making my way through the field and caught up to some terrible drivers. The one guy cut the corner, hit the other driver off the track, hit the outside wall which launched him back on the track on the racing line, I sideswiped him, and I got a 4.5 second penalty. This all could have been avoided if T10 would just implement an off track ghost timer.


Lol… so that explains why in my last race the guy who qualified 1st dropped behind me and rammed me into oblivion.

It is crazy that he didn’t get a penalty, and I can’t report it because the multiplayer replays still don’t work… and you have to go online and submit a ticket to report someone.


I have a consistent safety rating of S , why am I getting match made with players with a B rating. and players just smashing the crap out of people.
I understand that as the game is on game pass people who have never played forza before will giving it a go and just not having a clue what to do after all we all start somewhere but its annoying getting smashed off in the first turn.

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Yeah it is especially rough on a wheel… way harder to recover and because of the terrible mirrors, you can’t anticipate being hit very well in cockpit view.